Impossible? Never. - Broken Relationships

Gary Wilkerson

[Song of Solomon 5:1–9, 8:5] Anyone above the age of three has experienced a broken relationship. Even as mature adults we are not immune to them. When we are hurt by others we push them away, and in return they push us away. What began as a minor conflict quickly becomes a broken relationship — neither person willing to soften their heart and humble them self. When we are hurt we rightly turn to the church for healing, but often find ourselves beaten and bruised. We turn to our friends, but they are consumed by their own problems. Church systems and structures will not heal a hurting heart. The church today is in need of more people filled with the Holy Spirit — focused on others rather than self, and ministering Christ’s love to the lost and hurting. Jesus has the power to heal marriages, restore families, and change lives.