

  • The Last Days of the Wicked and the Righteous

    Carter Conlon

    There is a season coming when everything that is not Christ's will be washed away. Society will not be aware of these times. These are days when the gospel that speaks of the Cross and living righteously for God will be ignored. There will be many who have walked with Jesus and they will fall away from truth. In this generation there has to be a cry in our hearts that says, "Jesus give me the courage not to go back to what I left behind." There is an anointing that will be released in those that have this cry and God will be glorified in and through their lives.

  • When Tears Come to a Religious Man's House

    Carter Conlon

    When Jesus comes to a religious man's home the religious man will not touch the feet of Jesus because the dirt of this world is on them. He doesn't want this dirt on his hands because it offends his religion. The fruit of this religion that does not have the heart of God in it is a cold formality and skepticism. When was the last time you raised up your hands to God and thanked Him for what He has done in your life and His faithfulness? Tears of gratitude refresh Jesus. These tears come from a genuine work of God and a worship that remembers where He brought us from and that He is the source of my work.

  • Why Do Some Battles Never Go Away?

    Carter Conlon

    For what reason would God allow a battle to remain in my life over which He could give me the victory in a moment of time? The devil will try to captivate us and attempt to convince us that the battles we face are bigger than the Christ in us. God will leave these trials in our life to train our hands for war and to cause us to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to understand our enemies are already defeated but we still need to go to Jesus to get the resources and to stand in faith. If we lose sight of God in these trials we will turn to human reasoning and begin to follow our own sensual nature and desires.

  • Living in the Neighborhood Where Jesus Dwelt

    Neil Rhodes

    Do we believe that the persisting issues in our lives can be dealt with by God? Temptations always come in so that we will seek for an answer outside of God's will and it may cause us to turn to other sources. When the enemy captivates our hearts in a particular area all we can see is ourselves and the situation, and then the enemy begins to isolate us. There comes a time in the midst of this darkness that we have to rise up against the devil and stand upon the written word of God. Jesus will come into these places of captivity and He will go after these areas to bring light and deliverance. It doesn't matter the state of darkness, Jesus the Light of the world always shines brighter.

  • The Right Side of the Promise

    William Carrol

    How is it that someone who has experienced the great victories of God's deliverances and leaves the place of promise and goes back to compromised Christianity? The blessings of God can weigh us down when we focus more on the blessings than the God who provided them. There are times we back ourselves into the mentality of moderation and avoid engaging in the battle. God in His faithfulness has a controversy with this mindset and also has a remedy that will draw us back to Him. When He begins to draw us back we will rediscover His voice and a reverence will be revived in us to follow His plan and do it His way.

  • Dios me llamó por nombre

    Gary Wilkerson

    ¿Alguna vez te has sentido indigno, inútil o sin llamado? Aprende la deleitosa sorpresa del reino que Jesús llama a la gente más inusual para hacer tareas asombrosas.

  • Trembling Heart

    Gary Wilkerson

    The Word of God calls us to come before him in fear and trembling. A trembling heart is one that understands the majesty of God along with the awesome joy and honor to be called into his presence.

  • The Great and Final Apostasy

    David Wilkerson

    There are some denominations that have forgotten their roots and forsaken the old paths adopting even the homosexual agenda. They preach a polluted and diluted gospel that no longer deals with the blood of Jesus and the Cross. Many Christians are given over to spiritual harlotry and sit comfortable in their sin without any desire to be convicted or corrected but rather prefer to hear smooth messages. In the midst of this wickedness God is going to move supernaturally by His Spirit and cause us to cease from this apostasy and harlotry. In these last days God will remember His covenant and pour out His grace and mercy and redeem a people unto Himself.

  • La Gran y Última Apostasía

    David Wilkerson

    Hay algunas denominaciones que han olvidado sus raíces y han abandonado el antiguo camino hasta adoptando la agenda homosexual. Ellos predican un evangelio contaminado y diluido que ya no trata con la sangre de Jesús y la Cruz. Muchos cristianos están entregados a “harlotry” spiritual y se sientan cómodos en su pecado sin ningún deseo de ser convencidos o corregidos sino más bien prefieren escuchar un mensaje suave. En medio de esta maldad Dios va a moverse sobrenaturalmente por su Espiritu y va hacer que dejemos nuestra apostasía y “harlotry”. En estos últimos días Dios recordará Su pacto y derramará Su gracia y misericordia y redimirá a su pueblo a Si mismo.