The Jonathan Company

The apostle Paul warns that "in the last days perilous times shall come" (2 Timothy 3:1). He then describes in detail the terrible conditions we will face in the last hours of time:

"For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God" (2 Timothy 3:2-4).

U.S.News and World Report recently published an article entitled, "The Heartbreak That Is New York." In it, the writer portrays Paul's prophetic warning — almost to the letter! Here's just a portion of what was said:

"New York has 500,000 drug abusers, almost the population of Boston. In some neighborhoods, one-fourth of all residents are intravenous drug addicts. Use of dirty needles and the large gay population have made New York the AIDS capital of America...

"The illegitimacy rate in central Harlem is eighty percent and still rising. Each year 10,000 babies are born 'toxic,' most of them crack babies who will cost $220,000 each in remedial attention before they reach kindergarten...

"In 1952, the city had 8,757 robberies. Last year it had 93,387 — a stickup every 6 minutes. Twenty-one cabbies have been murdered so far this year. Girls were raped and thrown off rooftops, a boy was tied up and set on fire, four small children were shot to death in drug wars within 3 weeks. The murder rate is headed toward six per day...

"Random, pointless violence is now everywhere and no one is safe. Sixty percent of all New Yorkers don't expect to be living here in five years. There is a feeling among hard-core New Yorkers who love the city that something resembling a total breakdown of the social order may be underway and that New York may not make it...."

"Perilous times shall come" — Paul's use of the word "perilous" means "dangerous, fierce and violent times that sap away all strength." Those times are here!

Imagine — 60 percent of New York's population planning to flee! But tell me, where can a person go to escape from the demonic spirit of violence that rages in this country? It has been let loose on all of America!

For instance, about three years ago a family of five left New York City and settled in a quaint little village upstate. They thought they were safe from the crime and violence of the city. For two years their new home seemed like paradise to them. But recently the father, mother and two of the children were found dead in their country home, each shot in the head by an unknown intruder!

In Miami's suburbs it appears that no kind of protection can keep the robbers away. These skilled thieves kill watchdogs with lead pipes, ignore alarm systems and steal whole households of furniture by backing moving trucks to the door in broad daylight! Even in the mountains of Colorado, once a pleasant getaway, devil worshipers rape and plunder. Animal sacrifices abound. Now we've even been warned that it is unsafe to camp in every one of our great national parks!

Los Angeles is a city on the verge of exploding. Drug gangs — white, black and Hispanic — fire weapons randomly at innocent passersby. They have no morals, no conscience. They kill only for enjoyment!

Beloved, there is no place to hide but in Jesus Christ! Paul warns that the sin around us will only get worse — much worse: "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13).

This is not a New York City problem, it is a national problem, a worldwide problem! A lawless, violent wave has been vomited out of hell and into the smallest towns in America, and even inside the gates of limited-access communities!

Yet even more tragic than this is that many Christians will fall away in these evil times, when they ought to be repentant and seeking God: "They will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

Now, in a time when truth is vital, many are turned off because they don't want the truth — they only want smooth-sounding lies. What a tragedy!

Beloved, since things are only going to get worse, how are we going to face this last hour?

It Is Contrary to Everything in God's Word to Run!

Jesus is not coming back for a cowardly people on the run, a people who give up on cities that are being claimed by Satan! If you seek to save your skin you will loose it — but if you lose it for His sake you will find it!

Jesus knew full well what our times would be like. He knew all the horrible violence that would take place — the blazing guns, the fierce, warlike gangs and drug traffickers. He foresaw all the outbreaks of danger and wickedness. And still He commanded, "Go unto all the world! Preach the gospel, baptize, heal the sick — and I will be with you at all times!"

Christ also said, "I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves" (Matthew 10:16). He has called us to live among devouring wolves and in the lion dens of wicked society!

Noah lived in a society that had become totally corrupt — a world so violent that God could no longer endure it! "God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.... The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth" (Genesis 6:5-6,11-13).

All humanity was corrupt — violence broke out over the entire earth! For 120 years Noah watched his society grow continually more evil, a people consumed with violence, corruption, murder, rape and incest. But he stood in the midst of it all, preaching righteousness. He was kept by the power of God! He never wavered! All he feared was the Word of God!

You see, God always has a testimony right in the center of all the wickedness! Since Noah stayed and did not hide, he was that testimony. He "prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world" (Hebrews 11:7). When waves of evil rise up, we must stay, stand and preach — and by doing so, we condemn this evil society!

God Is Looking for a "Jonathan Company" in These Last Days!

Dear saint, you have a role in these evil times! You are not just to survive, but to be a warrior in the front lines of spiritual warfare. You must be able to say, "Live or die, I am the Lord's! I will not run when the devil rises up!"

Jonathan, son of Saul, is a good example of this kind of faithful warrior. He too lived in a time of moral and spiritual decay. In fact, I believe Israel at that time was as corrupt and decadent as America is today.

In the midst of that evil society, Jonathan represents what God is looking for in His people today! God is seeking a company of saints who will face these evil times with courage and faith. I call these saints the "Jonathan Company" — and I pray you will choose to enlist in this faithful band!

Here is the scenario: Israel had grown weary of the prophetic word of Samuel. They turned away from truth and sought to have a ruler over them. Saul was appointed king but quickly forsook the Lord. He and the people of Israel "acted foolishly" by disobeying the Lord's commandments — and God forsook the government of Israel.

Eventually Saul became demon-possessed! He represents a society that God has departed from, one that has turned to evil. Israel under Saul became morally wretched, far from God and hating the truth. Soon Satan came against Israel to inflict a final blow of destruction. He was determined to wipe Israel off the map (just as Saddam Hussein wishes to do to Israel today!). The devil surrounded Israel with 30,000 iron chariots, 6,000 horsemen and an army of soldiers that seemed as numerous as the sands of the seashore! (1 Samuel 13:5). The Israelites saw the enemy's massive power and began fleeing, looking for places to hide. They ducked into caves, thickets, among rocks, in pits and high places.

Those still with Saul "followed him trembling" (1 Samuel 13:7). They had wanted a king so badly — but some king Saul was! He could not inspire one ounce of courage! When he trembled, they trembled!

Along with 600 soldiers, Saul tarried in Gibeah under a pomegranate tree with 600 soldiers. He was completely confused, undecided whether to run, surrender or go on a suicide mission!

Talk about a people totally overwhelmed and without hope! Nobody in that tiny group had a plan — nobody could touch God. They had no prophet — they were helpless, powerless! And the devil who had made them all tremble was moving in for the kill!

This would be the picture in New York, too, if all God's people decided to flee and look for hiding places — and only 600 soldiers of God remained in this city. The sad truth is that numerous Christians throughout this country are leaderless, prayerless and backslidden, without an inkling as to what to do — with all hell about to break loose upon them!

It is because there is a "Saul system" at work today. This system is made up of pastors and churches who cringe before the powers of darkness. They have a form of godliness but no power. The evil spirits of this age have overcome them!

You see, only holiness provides boldness! Only a godly, praying people can stand unshakable when an army of innumerable demon powers is ready and waiting to destroy and to claim everything in sight!

The Bible says, "The righteous are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1). A holy man can look whole armies in the eye and not be afraid! But the more worldliness you possess in your heart, the less courage you have to stand and fight! Satan longs to put fear in the hearts of God's people — and he succeeds when you compromise or backslide!

We Must Do Single-Handed Warfare!

In 1 Samuel 14 we see that Jonathan had a plan, and running was not a part of it! He decided to undertake a "single-handed warfare" against the enemy.

It's a good thing he did not tell his father or the 600 others about his plan. They would have laughed him to scorn! "You? Alone? Going into enemy territory, starting a battle and risking your life with no backup army? Just you and your armor-bearer?"

Yet Jonathan said boldly in faith to his armor-bearer, "There is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few!" (1 Samuel 14:6). In other words, "I'm going on the offensive. Numbers don't matter to God!"

Indeed, if God had a large army of faithful servants, He would use them. But God doesn't need a great army — He can use one or two committed soldiers!

Think of it! Israel's only hope — God's whole interest on the earth — rested on the actions of one man of God, one who took a stand and said, "I am going to fight. I am going right into the stronghold of the enemy to do battle!"

Beloved, the victory that is needed in your household depends on you! You must win the victory single-handedly, or else the enemy will get the upper hand. You may be a teenager and the only one in your family who is committed to going onward with the Lord. The salvation of your family could rest with you!

A teenage girl once heard me preach about forgiveness. She approached me after the message and said, "I'm finding it very difficult to forgive my mother. Mom and Dad are not saved — and Mom especially makes fun of my walk with Christ. She seldom talks to me now, and she acts hateful."

At my urging she went home that night to forgive her mother and hopefully to have their relationship restored. Her mother was in bed, watching TV. The girl fell upon her tearfully, saying, "Mom, forgive me. I've had bitterness toward you. I want to be loving and obedient!"

But her mother pushed her away and mocked her scornfully, "Quit sniveling — you're drunk! Get lost! You're a religious crybaby."

That young girl is the only chance her parents have! She has to go up alone against that satanic stronghold and single-handedly do spiritual battle!

I have heard recently from a number of ministers' wives who are single-handedly doing battle against the devil's attack on their husbands. These men are disheartened, discouraged, on the verge of giving up and falling away from God and from their calling.

Yet their wives know that if they do not go up against the devil, their husbands will be lost! They say, "It's not only that I fear he will backslide and leave me. It's that I can't stand the idea of my husband grieving God and hurting the sheep." So they stand up as the only one against the demonic invasion of their households!

Jonathan's plan had just two options: "Stand still" or "Charge!" There was no turning away: "If they say unto us, Tarry until we come to you; then we will stand still in our place and will not go up unto them. But if they say thus, Come up unto us; then we will go up" (1 Samuel 14:9-10).

I can picture Jonathan standing on a rock, waving his sword and crying out, "You! Uncircumcised Philistines! In the name of the Lord we come against you!" And in mockery the Philistines answer, "Come on up. We'll show you a thing or two!" Evidently the Philistines ignored Jonathan, thinking, "What can one soldier do to us? He's harmless!"

I wish I could have heard Jonathan praying as he climbed up the side of those sharp rocks: "Glory to God, the victory is ours! No more running! This wicked enemy will fall before my sword! No devil in hell can destroy my father, my family, my nation! O God, fight for me! I will pursue unto death if need be!"

Beloved, see how one little victory threw the enemy into confusion and brought them down completely in defeat: "And they fell before Jonathan; and his armorbearer slew after him. And that first slaughter...was about twenty men, half acre...and there was trembling in the host...and they went on beating down one another" (1 Samuel 14:13-16).

Jonathan won only a half-acre victory — twenty dead soldiers. But this small battle soon steamrolled into a mighty triumph! How is it that one man of God, full of faith, can take on twenty of the devil's soldiers, slay them all and send terror upon all the armies of hell?

Remember this: Jonathan was no muscle-bound, hero type. In fact, none of God's victors were ever strong in themselves. No, it is the Spirit of God coming upon men that makes them dare to step out in faith to do battle! Jonathan climbing boldly upon that rock is a picture of any man or woman of God who introduces the presence of Jesus into the warfare!

Verse 15 says, "There was trembling in the host...and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling." The devil panicked! There were three divisions of Philistines, and the word spread like wildfire, "There's a mighty army coming!"

That is what God is trying to say to us! "Elijah was a man of like passions" — one who prayed in faith because he trusted God! Gideon was the least among all his household, and his army consisted of only 300 men — but God was with him! If we only realized or understood the mighty force with us when we pray, we would intercede and do battle in faith much more!

Jonathan's sword became lightning-quick and powerful because the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. And so it is with every saint who declares war on satanic strongholds:

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

The Bible says that men and women just like you and me "through faith subdued kingdoms...quenched the violence of fire...waxed valiant in fight" (Hebrews 11:33-34). We have the same power available to us today! We can subdue lusts through faith and prayer, calling on God! We can quench the fiery wrath of Satan! We can shut the mouths of the lions in our time! Beloved, we are not the ones who should tremble and be confused — no, it is the devil and his forces who are to tremble and be cast into utter confusion! God can so easily confuse the camp of Satan. The effectual, fervent praying of one saint causes great confusion among demonic powers. One praying saint with the spirit and faith of Jonathan can put the hordes of hell into total confusion!

David said, "Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt" (Psalm 35:4).

Scripture shows us that in every instance Satan trembles, panics and becomes confused when God manifests His presence. Jesus cast a legion of demons out of a lunatic, and they begged to go into a herd of swine. But Satan and his evil hordes became so confused they ran the wrong way! Instead of running out into the open wilderness (the "dry places") they drove the swine into the sea. That is utter confusion, total panic!

Christians have the mistaken idea that the Kingdom of darkness is a well-trained and disciplined army, obedient to their master. Not so! It is a dominion of proud, self-willed, wild disobedient spirits who are filled with arrogance! It is a kingdom of confusion — and every sinner alive today takes part in that same spirit of disarray!

When you pray, are you standing up and resisting the devil with faith and intercession? Are you putting all hell into chaos? The devil and his demons know God will answer you. For centuries they have trembled at God's answering the prayers of His people. They don't know when or how God will strike! The devil gets spooked, paranoid — he hears footsteps behind him!

So it was when Elisha prayed. Samaria had been besieged by the Syrian army — but in the middle of the night the Lord came into the Syrian camp and panic broke out:

"For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host...wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents, and their horses, and fled for their life" (2 Kings 7:6-7).

It was only the Lord walking into the enemy camp — and instantly panic, confusion and terror reigned!

Satan has laid out a plan against you and your family — and the only way that plan will work is if you are a backslidden Saul and the Lord is not with you. But if you are of the Jonathan company and full of Jesus, none of his plans can avail!

Even backslidden Christians tremble and become panic-stricken when in the presence of someone who if full of the Lord. When Samuel came to Bethlehem where the people were going after idolatry, "the elders of the town trembled at his coming" (1 Samuel 16:4). How much more does Satan tremble and panic when the power and presence of Jesus comes in?

I pray that God will remove all fear from your heart, so that you can stand up by faith and go against the strongholds Satan has established in your family. If your spouse is unsaved, that's a stronghold — go against it! Say boldly, "I claim his (or her) salvation, in Jesus' name!"

What scares the devil more than anything is a persevering Christian, one who keeps coming back and saying, "I'm not giving up, I'm not moving. I'm standing on this rock until I see my Lord's victory!"

God wants to put a holy boldness in your heart! You're not just a member of a church — you're a warrior of the Lord Jesus Christ! You've been called as a soldier to put on the full armor of God and to stand fast against the approach of the enemy.

Will you enlist in the Jonathan company? If you would join this band of believers in these last days, simply take God at His Word. Then, "Stand fast, and see the salvation of the Lord!"
