

Stories from the Field

  • Through the Eyes of a Child

    World Challenge Staff

    A new community center and school in Lebanon becomes a refuge to the delight of many local children.

    Remodeling a building into a community center and school would be an incredible task, but to accomplish this in just a few months might require a miracle. However, World Challenge partners in Lebanon were determined to do just that so they could receive 300 new students.

  • Spirit of Healing in Brazil

    Rachel Chimits

    Out of desperation, one little girl cried out to God to heal her father and her family.

    Walking down a dusty sunbeaten road outside of Fortaleza, you might not realize that you’re only a half an hour drive from those gorgeous white beaches where the world’s top athletes played volleyball in the 2016 Olympics. 

  • The Orphans of Romania

    Rachel Chimits

    God moved one man’s heart in a way that has now saved over one hundred abandoned children.

    In the 1980’s, Romania was one of the most tightly controlled Communist nations in Eastern Europe under the iron fist of Nicolae Ceaușescu. During his rule, he decided to increase the population in order to build his tax base, and all forms of birth control were outlawed.   

  • Prayer Answered with a Snake

    World Challenge Staff

    God is providing for church planters in Northern Cambodia through some of the most unusual and marvelous means.

    “Creator God,” Daly prayed, “please bless us with meat for our younger brother’s birthday. We have so little, but you give us everything we need day by day, and—”

    A piercing scream stopped her cold. 

  • Haiti’s Growing Churches

    Benjamin Demblowski

    God is awakening believers in Haiti to new ways that he wants to renovate their lives and work.

    Flying over Cap-Haïtien on one of Haiti’s breathlessly clear days reveals lush green mountain tops that effortlessly roll down into golden coastlines and gem-like tropical waters. At first glance, one would think this must be paradise. 

    However, the scene on the ground is a very different view. 

  • Tea for Freedom

    Andreas Steffensen

    One man in Bangladesh found economic liberty with the help of godly community.

    Bangladesh’s minimium wage workers toil in grindingly difficult jobs for an average monthly salary that is the equivalent of $63.

    Amolla was one of these workers, supporting his family of six. If any of the children got sick, they had to visit a kabiraj, an unregistered medical practitioner.

  • A Vision for Macedonia

    While many younger people are fleeing the Balkans, God is calling one World Challenge scholarship student and others like him back to their homeland.

    I come from east Macedonia, and I was raised up in a Christian family. All of my life, I’ve known who God is. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit when I was eleven and then baptized in water when I was fifteen.