We are in a spiritual battle and only God can see us through the challenges we face. Gary Wilkerson offers practical advice on responding to spiritual warfare.
Teaching on Psalm 43, Gary Wilkerson shares the importance of not dwelling on our discouraging circumstances, but remembering to turn to the Lord and his light in order to find joy during our battles.
Pastor Joshua West offers practical insights on overcoming temptation. By studying how Jesus responded to Satan in the wilderness, we learn to humbly trust God and his Word, not our feelings or the world.
Preaching from Matthew 3, Joshua West explores three key areas of this Gospel relating to the person and purpose of Jesus and what it means for us today.
What is the solution to a downcast heart? Preaching from Psalm 42, Gary Wilkerson shows how our hope is in God and his strength, leading to joy and peace.
Preaching on Psalm 41, Pastor Gary Wilkerson shares biblical wisdom on the power of blessing. Jesus delights in us and wants to deliver us, protect us and bless us.
Preaching on Matthew 3:1-12, Pastor Joshua West shares insights on how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus the Messiah, calling everyone to biblical repentance.
From the moment of his coming, enemies of Jesus and the gospel sought to silence him and God's Word. We face the same challenges and are either with Christ or against him.