

  • A Spirit of Slumber

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    Have you ever been part of a church that forgot the fire it once had for Christ and the Gospel? Have ever known a believer who fell into the complacency of a half-hearted walk with God? In this sermon, David Wilkerson pleads with Christians to move beyond sleepy Christianity to a life filled with faith.

  • The Lord Is Thy Keeper

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    Do you know what it means to be kept by God? In the Greek language, that statement has a meaning much deeper and more complete than we may have realized. In this sermon, David Wilkerson encourages us to trust in God. In every situation and against every enemy, he is with his people.

  • Whatever Happened to Joy?


    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    For followers of God, living a joyful life is both a gift and an instruction. If joy should be a central part of serving God, then what's gone wrong? Where has it gone? In this sermon, David Wilkerson looks at what the Bible has to say about joy and what we can do when life seems to get in the way.

  • The Redeemer Is Coming to Zion


    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    Satan offers a false gospel of prosperity and worldly goods. That message may seem to succeed for a while, but we know that it will not prevail in the end. In this classic sermon, David Wilkerson reminds us that the only way for the church to be brought back to the true gospel is through God’s transformative presence.

  • Babylon Is Falling


    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    The city of Babylon is a regular theme throughout Scripture. It represents the natural consequences that happen when people choose to walk away from God. In this sermon from 1982, David Wilkerson warns of what can happen when the church puts the things of the world above the things of God.

  • Be Ye Holy

    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    One of God's simplest commandments is also among the most confounding: Be ye holy. Some people see that they cannot achieve holiness and just give up. Others try to become holy through sheer effort. Neither of these responses is correct because God has provided one, and only one, way to break the grip of sin.

  • The Crime of Unbelief


    David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

    God has proven time and again that he is faithful and good. Why, then, do people so often struggle to trust him completely? In this sermon, David Wilkerson looks at why unbelief grieves God and how Christians can move into a mindset of total faith.