

  • The Empowered People of God: Empowered Ministry


    Gary Wilkerson

    There are needs all around us, and God wants to empower His people to meet those needs. In Acts 6, we see a ministry that was established to meet a need, but it wasn't fully functioning. We see examples of men who knew their calling and ministry, as well as a group of seven men who simply said yes when presented with the need. We all have a calling from God to serve the church and those in need. No matter how "small" your calling may feel, it is highly valued by God. It is only through Christ's finished work on the cross that we can fulfill that to which He has called us.

  • The Empowered People of God: Big Doors Swing on Little Hinges

    Tim Dilena

    Guest speaker Pastor Tim Dilena from Brooklyn Tabernacle continues our Life Workshop "The Empowered People of God" looking at the life of Abram. In his life, we see that it is faithfulness in the small things that often leads to the release of God's full calling on your life.

  • The Empowered People of God: How Does a Bartender Become a Hero?

    Tim Dilena

    Guest speaker Pastor Tim Dilena from Brooklyn Tabernacle looks at the life of Nehemiah and shows us how a bartender became a hero. We all have gifts from God, and as good stewards of those gifts we must employ them in a way that glorifies God. Many of us sell ourselves short and settle for less than what God has planned for us. What are the gifts that God has given you? Are you using them how He intended?

  • Your Beautiful Story - Part 4: This Kind of Love


    Gary Wilkerson

    Christians today have a bad reputation. When you start a Google search using the phrase "why are christians so…" it will return suggestions like fake, judgmental and weird. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we have to admit that we can be quarrelsome and difficult people. Scripture says that all will know that we are Jesus' disciples by our love for one another. Church, it's time to repent and take up His love.

  • A Message for New York City

    Carter Conlon

    There is still truth and power available for God’s people, but the wise in their own sight will not see it and the strong in their own might will not experience it. But those who understand their weakness will come to know the power of God again. There is a cry in the heart of God that says come to me everyone who is working and finding no satisfaction. Once again God is inviting everyone who is willing to humbly come to Him and He will give you His strength and true rest.

  • The Incredible Fragrance Of Mercy

    Carter Conlon

    We are the testimony of God’s mercy in the world. There is a scent of Christ in us that will cause people to stop and consider their ways and turn to God. God will restrain evil when the scent of His love and mercy is flowing through us.

  • Your Beautiful Story - Part 3: For THIS Purpose


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson takes some time to look at the purpose and mission of the church. We see in Colossians 1 that our "this" is to see the lost reconciled back to God and become radical followers of Jesus Christ. Sometimes a church gets focused on one end of the spectrum—either the lost and new believers on one end or the growing and mature on the other end. If we aren't reaching the lost and helping them become mature followers of Christ, then we are falling short in our calling.