Many in This City - Week 10: Giving up Our Lives for the Gospel

Gary Wilkerson

Paul was pointing out to the Corinthians that as a body they had taken on the culture of their society. They were affluent and materialistic. Paul wasn't saying that the things they possessed were evil but that they had become self-consumed. Their own desires were their first pursuit. They were lacking a love for others and therefore lacking an impact on their city. Paul went on to describe his life and the life of a true disciple. It wasn't so much that he shunned the comforts of this world but that he was so focused on God's kingdom they weren't a thought in his mind. He has laid down his life for the Gospel and it was evident in the very way he lived his life. Paul was so confident in the single focus of his life that he told the church at Corinth to imitate the way he lived.