Many in This City - Week 4: The Power of Spiritual Wisdom

Gary Wilkerson

As Saul, Paul was an up and coming leader, a man of ambition and recognition; but when he came to Christ, he came humbly — not seeking recognition or followers. His focus shifted from himself to bringing glory and honor to Christ. The church is to be built upon the foundation and person of Jesus, not on the personalities of men. Paul lived in a place of complete dependence upon God. Many of us, if we were honest, trust ourselves more than we trust God. Some of us will even lean on Christ a little bit, treating him like an assistant or consultant, wanting Him to help us help ourselves. Spiritual wisdom comes when we fully surrender all control to God. The ways and plans of man are contrary to God, and in His love He will thwart our plans in order to bring us to the end of ourselves.