Many in This City - Week 7: Pushing Boulders, Spinning Plates and Gold Leaf Temples

Gary Wilkerson

Much of the spiritual activity in our lives — the "God stuff" — often feels like pushing boulders uphill or spinning plates. We are doing so much work in our own strength while trying to also manage all the "other stuff" in life. This divided mentality is works-based, and it leaves us wearied, discouraged, and often feeling guilty. Jesus doesn't want us to live this way. He calls us to live in His grace, to live all moments as holy moments. He calls us to live in his 'Shalom', His peace. Christ makes the mountains low and straightens our path. We don't have to push uphill. We don't have to struggle with the wood, hay and stubble in our lives, trying to cover our flaws with gold leaf so that we look good to others. God does the transforming work, refining us so that we aren't just covered with a thin layer of gold, but are pure gold throughout.