Sometimes we make a decision to obey God and immediately our life seems to become more difficult. We may not understand that we can be in the will of God, but go through struggles. Even Jesus dealt with this upon the cross, as he fulfilled God's plan of redemption, asking why he was forsaken. Through these difficulties there is always a changing point, a conjunction when you see the plan of God. He is teaching us to trust Him completely.
We live in a time that makes it so easy to be fearful. Day after day we are inundated with statistics that bring fear to our heart. In these last days God will do such a profound work in our hearts that fear will lose its power. You might ask the question how will God keep us from giving into the power of fear? We must understand His love brings incredible hope and power into our hearts. God will bring us to the full understanding that He loves us with a perfect love. His love for the genuine believer will give us an incredible security about the future. God's love covers and empowers us to join Him in His redemptive purposes. By faith, receive the incredible love of God and allow His love to flow through you to those around you.
We are not to despise the chastening of the Lord. There is no one who escapes the Lord's correction and discipline. It is important not to faint or give way to the enemy when we are in a season of chastening. God will cause us to endure so we don’t break relationship with Him. This message reminds us not to just listen to God but to do what He is asking us to do. The power to obey comes from our love relationship with the Father. He is patient with us until His will becomes our will and we get back on track with Him. Always keep this truth in your heart, “whom the Lord loves He chastens”.
Healthy Church, Healthy People - Part 2: The Immune System
Gary Wilkerson
All systems of the body must function properly in order to be healthy. One important system is our immune system. Just as our physical immune system guards us from germs, bacteria and viruses, our spiritual immune system must guard against sin, our fleshly carnal nature, and Satan himself.
No one knows what 2011 will brings us. All of us will go through situations we haven't thought about; some for tragedy and some for miracles. The truth of the matter is the people who go through trouble will end up in a better position than the people who are seemingly blessed because when hard times come it gives us an awareness of our need for God. In the parable of the ten virgins half of them thought they were ready for Jesus and they weren't. If Jesus Christ came today would you be ready? In the beginning of this new year examine yourself and make sure you are ready. It is imperative to get right with Jesus.
Healthy Church, Healthy People - Part 1: The Respiratory System
Gary Wilkerson
The church is Christ's body, made of many members — young and old, many races, rich and poor — with different gifts and functions. Just as we must maintain the health of our physical bodies, we are to maintain the spiritual health of Christ's body, both individually and corporately. This is done through love for one another. A lost and hurting world will not receive Christ if they are hurt and rejected by His followers. The church is to be an agent of transformation and a haven for the hurting. The body must breathe in Jesus if we are to be healthy — unified and aligned to God's purposes.
There is a liberating power when we choose to acknowledge Christ's victory in the midst of our struggle and trial. If in the midst of your suffering you choose to worship God your song will affect those around you and deliverance will come both to you and them. In God's economy He has already determined to deliver you. The question is, “Are you willing to pull others out with you? What kind of song is sung that makes prison doors open and breaks the bounds of those who are held captive? It is the song that you sing through the midst of your darkness that will catch the attention of those around you who don't know Jesus. Prayer and praise break the foundation of the prison and silences the voice of the enemy. It is time to praise God!
If we are truly Christians we are called to be given to the poor and afflicted. When the Son of God knocks on the door of your heart to put what you know about Him into practice, how will you respond? We are called to take everything God has given to us and use it for the betterment of human suffering. This doesn't make sense to the natural man who will choose self preservation and stay locked behind a closed door fellowship. If you reach out to the widow and the hungry in a time of famine, the treasure of Jesus Christ will be unlocked to you. When we turn our hearts away from helping the poor and needy, we rob ourselves of the presence of God. Jesus stands at the door and knocks and if you will open the door He will give you provision to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and touch the heart of a sin-sick world. Let your heart come into agreement with what God speaks for your life. If you have resisted this call Jesus is willing to knock again.