

  • The Future

    The main question on the lips of multitudes worldwide is, “What is going on? There is fear and panic everywhere. Economies are being shaken all over the globe. What will our future look like?”

    As followers of Jesus, we know the only reliable answers are in God’s Word. The world’s experts — economists, government leaders, academics — all admit they are confused. Nobody can tell us why bubbles are bursting or how we went from a booming economy to sudden crashes.

  • The Greatness of Our God

    Our ministry has a devotional website that receives messages from Christians all over the world. Right now believers in various nations are writing the same thing: Fear is taking hold.

    As prophesied in Scripture, God is shaking everything that can be shaken. It's hard to fathom all the upheaval taking place in the world at present. Consider the many fronts where nations are in turmoil:

  • The Victory of the Cross of Christ

    It was the night before the crucifixion of Christ. Jesus had gathered his disciples in an upper room to prepare them for his departure from the earth. After they shared a meal together, the Lord took a towel and proceeded to wash the men’s feet.

    That evening, Jesus told these devoted followers he was going to be “lifted up” (meaning crucified) by the hands of wicked men. When he told them this, he was forewarning them about what was to come.

  • A Salute to Those Who Stayed With the Stuff

    In the book of 1 Samuel, David and his men came home from battle to find their town burned to the ground. Ziklag, where David was headquartered, had been attacked by the Amalekites. To make matters worse, the enemy had taken the families of David’s army captive. All the wives, children and livestock were gone.

    When David and his men saw this, they fell on their faces weeping. They were convinced their loved ones had been killed in a bloody holocaust. Scripture says they all wept until they had no more strength.

  • The Seriousness of Unbelief

    Few devoted Christians would think of themselves as having unbelief. For years I’ve been baffled by something Jesus said: “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). The question implies a lack of faith not just on the earth but among God’s people.

  • A Christian in Name Only

    The prophet Isaiah said of Israel, “They declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not” (Isaiah 3:9). These words also describe America right now. Our nation has sinned just as Sodom did. We’ve become a society where any ungodly act can take place without a trace of shame. I believe America has come to the very brink of the abyss.

  • The Touch of God

    When the Lord touches someone, that person is driven to his knees. He then becomes intimate with Christ. And out of that intimacy, he receives fresh revelation from heaven. This person is anxious to bring his besetting sins to the Holy Ghost, to have them mortified. His soul is renewed, and he enters a place of rest. And he begins to minister to Christ with new passion and a greater love.

  • Maintaining the Joy of the Lord

    "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). At the time these words were proclaimed, the Israelites had just returned from captivity in Babylon. Under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, the people had rebuilt Jerusalem's ruined walls. And now they set their sights on reestablishing the temple and restoring the nation.

  • Freedom From Fear

    The economies of the nations are shaking and crumbling, and fear is mounting worldwide. And now, as this shaking continues, we're witnessing Jesus' words come to pass:

    "...upon the earth distress of nations, with's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" (Luke 21:25-26). Christ is warning us, "Without hope in me, multitudes of people are literally going to die of fright!"

  • The Nearness of God!

    I want to share with you two verses from Helen Spurrell's original Hebrew text:

    "When designing pursuers approached me, who are far from thy law; then Thou, O Jehovah, wast near, with all thy faithful commandments..." (Psalm 119:150-151).

    There is a glorious truth in this passage that can change your life, bringing you peace and giving you rest beyond anything you have yet experienced. You see, once you understand the truth of God's constant nearness to you — that he loves you and is continually near you — all fear and anxiety must go!