Joshua West

As pastors, evangelists, and Christian ministers of any kind we all need to be encouraged in the Lord. But vague stock encouragement isn’t what we need when we are discouraged and weary. We must be encouraged in the truth of God’s Word. If the encouragement we want isn’t rooted in the truth of God’s Word it isn’t really being encouraged in the Lord. When we are discouraged, it is important that we focus our hearts and minds on the truth of Christ as revealed in his Word and that we go to the secret place and pray.

1.    The Mind

Romans 12:2 tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world but to renew our minds so that we might know God’s good and perfect will. Fixing our minds on what's true will renew our minds and if we have drifted it will help realign us to what is true. In Philippians 4:8-9 Paul tells us that we will have peace if we keep our minds set on the beautiful and positive realities we have in Christ:

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

Paul is actively telling those he is writing to that they will be encouraged and at peace by actively thinking about things that are honorable, good, and pure, rather than all the temporary negative troubles of this life. He doesn’t say that there aren’t trials and troubles but that a renewed mind whose soul is at peace with God should focus on the positives of eternity rather than the temporary negatives of this life. In Romans 8 he says that the temporary afflictions and sufferings of this life are not even worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.

Our thought life has a great impact on our disposition in this life. It doesn’t necessarily change reality, but it does impact whether or not we are encouraged or discouraged as we walk through our lives.

2.    The Heart

The mind has a great impact on how we deal with the temporal, but our hearts determine how we spend eternity. As pastors and leaders, we must renew and guard our minds, but more importantly, we must be vigilant to guard our hearts. This is true for all Christians but especially true for those who shepherd and minister to God’s people.

We must guard and protect our hearts from sin, pride, despair—from anything that would cause us to not fully live in faith and trust in Christ. The realities of God’s promises and our eternal position will always outweigh and outshine the temporary darkness of this life if our hearts are right and our minds our fixed on the truth of God’s word. Oftentimes times the reason our minds are plagued with worry and fear or become weary and tired is because our hearts are not right. A right heart usually produces a clear conscience and a clear mind. We must be vigilant about guarding our hearts, for the sake of our own souls and the souls of those we have been entrusted to care for.

3.    Be Encouraged

So be encouraged in the Lord! Be encouraged because the battle belongs to the Lord. Be encouraged because Christ is building his church and the gates of hell cannot and will not prevail. Be encouraged because Christ is the author and finisher of our salvation and all we must do is trust in him by faith as we walk out this Christian life. Be encouraged that nothing can snatch you from his hand and absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of God that we have through Christ Jesus our Lord. Be encouraged that it's not by might, nor by power but by his Spirit says the Lord.

Be at peace knowing that the increase is not dependent on you, the strength and power do not come from you, success is not dependent on you. Be at peace and encouraged by the fact that if your heart is not right it can be, if your mind is troubled it doesn’t have to be. Let God break your heart, repent for your unbelief, set your mind on the realities of His unchanging word, and be encouraged that we serve a God who cannot fail.

In Christ,

Pastor Joshua

Joshua West is a pastor, evangelist, and author. He is also director of the World Challenge Pastors Network.