A People and Their Pastor

Gary Wilkerson

Pastor Gary Wilkerson continues the series on 1 Corinthians discussing the relationship between pastors and the church. Both teachers and congregants must be able to discern the wheat from the chaff. Many false gospels are being preached in the church today — ranging from prosperity gospel on one end of the spectrum and a gospel of poverty on the other end. Many church attenders just want their ears tickled. Pastors cannot be afraid that they are going to offend their congregations. There is also a misconception that pastoring is an easy job, when in fact many pastors and ministers around the world are underpaid, overworked, stressed, depressed, struggling with sin and on the verge of quitting the ministry. The work of the church is not to be carried out by one man. Pastors should be raising up leaders and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.