

  • When a Dream Becomes a Wilderness

    Neil Rhodes

    It is a good thing to rise up in prayer and ask God to bless our lives. Every promise of God is YES in Jesus Christ. As we approach God in humility we can pray for our Father to bless us and protect us from our enemies. True intercession is really a request for more of God. God wants to give us the UPPER SPRINGS. He wants to fill us from an inner source that never fails. God says all that cry out to Him will be filled with the Holy Spirit.

  • The Casual Receiving of Christ

    Carter Conlon

    When we have a wrong perception of Christ, we will predetermine the level of service we will give to God. We may sit under the preaching with a pretense of wanting to be taught, but in reality we will not be moved from our view. We are living in a generation where some of the body of believers are using the name of Jesus for their own objectives. When we have a proper perspective of Christ we will reverence His presence, and stand in awe of the fact that He comes into our homes and into our heart. We will take out a basin and wash the feet of Jesus with worship, prayer and gratitude. We will embrace His word trusting it to be a higher reality than every situation we are facing.

  • When Normal People Rise up in God

    Neil Rhodes

    This is a message for the normal individual. We can't take anyone further that we've gone ourselves. The person who lives by faith can require another generation to live by faith. When normal people begin to stand up declaring victory over every situation the windows of heaven will open, and the power of God will back up our faith and pour out a blessing in our lives.

  • Casting Down Unbelief

    David Wilkerson

    God is full of grace and mercy but cannot work through unbelief. The grief of God's heart is caused by those who are closest to Him and yet still have a heart full of unbelief. Wherever there is unbelief there is hopelessness and a wilderness. God promises that He will BE GOD TO US, we must trust Him and take Him at His word. God wants a simple determined faith that believes and takes hold of His promises.

  • Why Is It So Hard to Pray?

    Carter Conlon

    Our whole life is to be a walking, breathing prayer. Satan will oppose prayer because He knows it is our life line to God. This message speaks of 3 reasons why people stop praying. First, our journey and will are not in line with God. Second, unconfessed sin. And lastly, a wrong perception of what prayer is. Prayer is simply knowing the mind of God and moving forward in faith with Him. We can come boldly with an honest heart and agree with what He has spoken to us until He brings it to pass.

  • Questions You Were Afraid to Ask

    Teresa Conlon

    As mature Christians there can be shadows that come into our minds and attitudes of heart that we don't want to deal with. Sometimes what we really need to know cannot be plainly spoken into our lives. It is our privilege that we are taught by God. Jesus has a way of taking us to the core of our issues and expounding on what we need to understand about ourselves and our circumstances. Our questions are not what matters, what matters is that we get in His word and stay in His presence long enough to receive His power and change. Sometimes we don't get the answers right away but we get Jesus.

  • Digging Up the Old Wells of Abraham

    Carter Conlon

    If we are going to stand in the coming days we have to go to the old wells, the places where our forefathers went and draw out water. We dig in the same places where they dug in their times of stress, trial and famine and we will find the same source of strength and provision that they found.

  • When Signs Point in the Wrong Direction

    Carter Conlon

    We are living in a time when the bride of Christ is looking in the wrong direction and her heart is looking back at the world she should have left behind. Jesus makes a clear declaration for His church on this side of eternity that we are the salt of the earth and the light in a dark world. If our heart is one with God's heart, God will work supernaturally through us and we will become a living testimony for the redemption of man. The very life we live should create a thirst for the living God and His light should be seen in us.

  • Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

    William Carrol

    We are blessed when we acknowledge our spiritual poverty and call upon the riches of God. God will take us into His personal vault and show us all of the things that are accessible to us in those times when we feel like we can't go on one more step. The key to opening up this vault is to allow the Holy Spirit to take us by the hand and walk us through this world so we can see that God is at work and He is completely in control of everything.