

  • Healed Heart, Cleansed Heart, and a Free Heart

    Gary Wilkerson

    When we find ourselves bound by sin, unbelief and fear, it is often because our hearts have not been cleansed. When we seem addicted, bound and overcome by evil, it is often because our hearts have not been healed. As we receive healing, we move towards God in confidence and receive a cleansed heart. With hearts that have been healed and cleansed, we are then free to live in victory.

  • His Eye Is on the Sparrow

    David Wilkerson

    The focus of God's eye is not on the calamities and wars around us. Jesus shows us how the Father cares for us in hard times by the analogy of the sparrow. The Lord is calling His church to rise up and take courage and trust God. He will begin to fill us with His grace and peace. God in these last days wants to give us an understanding of His love to keep us standing strong and secure.

  • The Call of God

    David Wilkerson

    There are many gifts but only one real calling for a minister of the gospel. When the Word comes to a man or woman it puts a fire in the soul than can not be quenched. The call of God is not about the great things we do for God. It is about our relationship with Jesus Christ and the assignment He has given us. It's about staying through every storm, heartache, and persecution. It is in these places that the Lord will teach us to be praying men and women.

  • Praying in the Closet

    David Wilkerson

    In these days of darkness and uncertainty the call of God to His church is to pray and seek the face of Jesus. God is looking for individuals who will wait on Him until the Holy Spirit is poured out. God often allows afflictions as an act of His love to bring us to our knees and cause us to bend our hearts to His submission. In the secret closet God wants to replenish us and give us His covenant of peace. In these last days God is going to pour out a spirit of prayer and supplication with a supernatural enablement to pray.

  • You Have to Know You Are Saved

    Teresa Conlon

    Salvation is not a plan or a prayer. Salvation is a person and that person is Jesus Christ. When we come to Jesus Christ with an honest heart we are not just saved from the wrath of God but He starts a transforming process that makes us whole. There is a promise of new life in Jesus. The old things are, and will continue to pass away, and all things will be made new. Jesus Christ becomes the center point of the old life where the devil had dominion and the new life where Jesus, by His blood, destroys the works of the devil. Whenever Jesus finds a heart to dwell in we become a founding habitual place for Him.

  • The Coming Revival of the Joshua Priesthood

    Carter Conlon

    This is a message for those who are spiritually discouraged. For those who are in a place where life and ministry have been brought to a standstill. Satan has formed an argument against the completeness of Christ and against the certainty of God's promises for every believer. But God speaks out to every demonic power that would come against us and He says "the Lord rebuke you Satan". God has plucked us out of the fire and has caused our iniquity to pass. We were brought into an endless power of His life so that we will glorify Him in this generation.

  • Overcoming the Inability to Listen

    Neil Rhodes

    There is a difference between hearing what someone is saying and actually listening to them. If we are following our own agenda we will end up with a distorted perception of God and we will be made deaf to His truth. In parts of our hearts there can be areas of prejudice that results in an inability to receive truth from certain vessels. God is prompting us to prepare our hearts to listen to what His Spirit is saying regardless of who is speaking. The voice of Jesus warms our hearts and produces soil that hears the word of God and receives it.

  • John Chapter 1: Pt. 10

    William Carrol

    God will rise up evangelists that have embraced the truth of God's Word and will become a voice crying in the wilderness places of life. There will be an echo of truth from an already spoken word. They will be responsible for speaking the truth of the gospel message without any human mixture. They will be one with the very heart of God that will bring rivers of living water to dry and desolate places.

  • The River Is Rising

    David Wilkerson

    The greatest awakening of the church is coming in supernatural power. God is going to pour out His spirit and revive a spirit of prayer starting in the pulpits. This river will begin to bring life wherever it goes. There will be a supernatural stirring of gifts, faith, and evangelism that have been lying dormant. This river will reach homosexual communities and drug addicted people who are hungry and thirsty. We are destined for the greatest movement of the Holy Spirit and there will be a multitude of fish representing the greatest harvest we have ever seen. The only thing that can hinder the river is unbelief.