

  • Faith on Fire


    Gary Wilkerson

    What is the mark of a true Christian disciple? Is it someone who reads their Bible daily, prays dutifully and fast religiously? Not necessarily—many are dutiful and religious. A true disciple is one who falls deeply in love with Jesus and has a genuine concern for Christ’s church. Reading from 2 Timothy, Pastor Gary Wilkerson encourages the church that it is possible to be a true disciple. When we focus on Jesus, the true disciple-maker, He will fill us with a faith that is on fire and we will truly live for Him!

  • The Compromised Religion In A Corrupted Time

    Carter Conlon

    Do you have a deep desire to be a clean vessel for God? Are you willing to put away evil practices, ungodly relationships, and unclean speech? If we regard iniquity in our heart and give place to wrong behavior God will not hear our prayers, but if we order our conduct God will command a blessing and cause us to bring glory to His name. True prayer will bring honor to Jesus Christ again. We are desperate for a spiritual awakening and it’s the only thing that will save this nation. We must find our unity at the Cross and trust God for the power to look and sound more like Jesus.

  • Eternity


    Michael Petillo

    Sadly much of the church today doesn't talk about Eternity or even know much about it. Pastor Michael Petillo encourages the church to ask the Holy Spirit for an eternal focus. If we don't have our eyes fixed on Eternity we will struggle through the temporal difficulties that we face in this life. We may not see it here and now, but all that we go through will bring eternal glory to God.

  • God Never Laughs At An Honest Heart

    Carter Conlon

    As a nation we have turned away from God, that’s why truth doesn’t matter much anymore. We are at the edge of losing the awareness of God because the majority of our society is godless. The human heart has the capability of becoming so hard that some people will not admit that God’s ways are right and repent of their sin. Wisdom is God’s Presence, Spirit and Knowledge in society and it cries out for a response. Today, if you hear the voice of wisdom don’t hardened you heart. God will never laugh at an honest heart no matter how deep your struggle is. Whoever opens their heart to His wisdom will dwell safely and be secure without fear of evil.

  • Hope


    Michael Petillo

    All of creation and the Holy Spirit are groaning. Things are not as they should be and we long to see the fulfillment of God's promises. What is God's answer to our groaning? Hope. He desires to place within His people a living hope that causes us to sing no matter what difficulties come our way. This hope can only come about when we allow God to conform us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • Bad News, Good News

    Tim Dilena

    Do you find it difficult to pray? The bad news is none of us really know how to pray. The good news is the Holy Spirit is our helper in prayer. Our prayer will always come up short in power and emotion, but God is committed to take our prayers beyond our simple words and add power to it. When we pray, it’s important to remember it’s not about the one who is praying, but it’s about the one we are praying to. The only way we can fail in prayer, is if we don’t show up to pray.

  • Clowns Amusing the Goats


    Gary Wilkerson

    More than ever, we are living in a church generation that mixes gospel with entertainment. Amusement and concerts are the new norm, but they do not bring sinners to repentance or rest to the heavy-laden. The only hope for victory that we can offer the world is through the true gospel of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Gary Wilkerson encourages the church to be devoted to sound doctrine, live a holy testimony and share the message of salvation.

  • Extreme Anointing in an Hour of Crisis


    Gary Wilkerson

    The church in Acts lived in an hour of crisis, much like today's church. It isn't an ungodly culture or even persecution that hinders the church; but when complaining, fighting and worldliness creep into the church, its testimony and anointing are diminished. God's answer is to raise up servant leaders full of the Holy Spirit, and empty of self, who live wholly for Jesus. These leaders aren't standing behind a pulpit, but sitting in the pews. Church, let's believe God's promise to pour out His Spirit on all flesh!

  • Victory Comes When Victory Can No Longer Come

    Carter Conlon

    The church of Jesus Christ is going to recover and discover their strength in God alone. For too long we have been too strong. We can be confident in our ability to a certain point until we face something that’s beyond our ability. When we get to a place where we have nothing left but a confidence in God, He will take us in our weakness and become our strength. Victory comes when in our feebleness we enter into His victory.

  • Run from Corrupt Community


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson urges the church to run from corrupt community. Run from churches who promote comfort and ease. Run from false teachers who preach only self-help and prosperity, rather than conviction and repentance of sin. Our best life is not now, but with Jesus in Eternity. Cling to the cross tightly and be encouraged. God will bring you into biblical gospel community.