

  • Beware of Being Offended

    Carter Conlon

    Many in the last days will be offended. The word offended means to be moved to leaning on your reasoning rather than trusting the plan that God has for your life. When difficulties and trails come you will be tempted to take another course and follow another Jesus. The key to avoid this is to have a deep abiding trust in the faithfulness of God, knowing that His ways are not our ways and He has a divine plan. Take comfort in knowing we are in hands that are much bigger than ours and we will be triumphed over. Jesus Christ promises us we will make it to the other side.

  • A Different Spirit


    Gary Wilkerson

    Throughout scripture we see men and women with a seemingly "different spirit," like Joshua and Caleb. They have a hunger for God's vision, a willingness to follow God completely, and an inability to compromise. Christ wants to give us this spirit today, and in doing so give us a ravenous appetite for the Holy Spirit. Gary Wilkerson shares that people of "a different spirit" respond to God's call to be the tools for radical change in today's world. They are not only blessed, but are vehicles of God's blessings to others.

  • The Indisputable Evidence of A Great Church

    Carter Conlon

    What makes a church great? Is it the worship? Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Prophecy? Faith to move mountains? These are all good things but God's call for greatness is higher. If we don’t have the love of God all these things count for nothing. We are called to put away childish things such as grievances, unforgiveness, envy, pride and anger and begin to love others like Jesus loves us. This is impossible to do without the power of the Holy Spirit. Christ in us gives us the power to go beyond human limitations into the supernatural love of God. The indisputable evidence of a great church is the love we have for one another. It is something of God working in us and through us.

  • Foundations for a Miraculous Destiny Together

    Claude Houde

    A miracle is a work of God. We are to be this miracle in our city. It’s a call from God for us to pray miracles in one another. Miracles occur at the Word of God, but when God speaks it is our part to act upon His Word. Not only is it action, but a life of commitment that will bring this about. We are called to fulfill the ministry God has given and live this life of miracles.

  • EXPECT 2010 - Session 8

    David Wilkerson

    In the eighth and final session of our EXPECT 2010 Church Leadership Conference, Pastor David Wilkerson shares his heart about the importance of minimizing our distractions and busyness, setting aside time each day to be alone with the Lord and seek His face. He encourages this generation to overcome their technology addiction — put down your gadgets, log off Facebook, and take a break from tweeting on Twitter to spend serious time every day in prayer.

  • EXPECT 2010 - Session 4

    Claude Houde

    In the fourth session of our EXPECT 2010 Church Leadership Conference, Pastor Claude Houde of Église Nouvelle Vie speaks about what it means to "expect," using Abraham as our example.

  • EXPECT 2010 - Session 3

    Carter Conlon

    In the third session of our EXPECT 2010 Church Leadership Conference, Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church answers the question, "What makes a great church?" It isn't the number of people that attend, having the gifts of the Holy Spirit, having knowledge and prophecy, having great faith, or caring for the poor. A great church is motivated by a love for God and a love for people.