Maximizing Kingdom Resources

Pastor John Bailey welcomes special guest Tony Amaradio to discuss how Christians can maximize their resources for the Kingdom of God. Tony shares his journey from focusing on acquiring personal wealth to using his financial expertise to advance ministries. They explore the biblical basis for stewardship and its eternal significance. Tony offers insights on how individuals can increase their giving by leveraging the tax code and provides advice for pastors who want to foster a culture of generosity within their churches. This episode provides both inspiration and practical tools to help believers view their finances through the lens of eternity.

•    Stewardship of resources is not optional, but a requirement for Christians. God owns everything, and we are just managers.
•    Giving to the Kingdom is a privilege and should be done with a joyful heart.
•    Charitable giving offers tax advantages that can be used to maximize giving to ministry.
•    Our stewardship on earth will determine our eternal rewards.
•    Pastors should emphasize financial stewardship and make it part of their teaching/preaching.
•    Stewardship is a spiritual discipline, just as important as prayer or evangelism.
•    Churches can empower their members to be better stewards and grow in generosity.
•    God blesses those who give generously from a heart of love.

Bible Verses Referenced in the Podcast

Psalm 24:1, Matthew 22:20-21, Mark 12:16-17, Luke 20:24-25, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 28:19-20

Suggested Resources

•    Book: Faithful with Much by Tony Amaradio
•    Website: Faithful with Finances
•    Phone: Schedule time with Tony by calling (949) 975-7900

About Tony Amaradio

Tony Amaradio is a financial advisor who specializes in helping churches and ministries maximize their resources for Kingdom purposes. After a successful career in the business world, Tony felt called to use his expertise to advance God's work. Over the past three decades, he has worked with over 100 ministries and 100 churches, providing insights on stewardship, tax planning, and fundraising. Tony is the author of the book "Faithful with Much" and is passionate about encouraging Christians to experience the joy of generous giving.

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About John Bailey

Pastor John Bailey is the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at World Challenge. After giving his life to Christ in the Tampa City jail, John felt that the Lord placed in him a great hunger to know Christ and study God’s Word. John spent 12 years discipling young leaders and was then called to pastor and evangelize in Western Europe for 10 years.  
In 2011, John, his wife, Crista, and two children returned to Jacksonville, Florida to plant The Springs Church. After over a decade of ministry in Jacksonville, John was invited by Gary Wilkerson to come and serve at World Challenge. Today, John gives vision and direction to World Challenge as well as serving as a keynote speaker, author and conference speaker. His life’s purpose is to seek a genuine awakening of God’s Spirit in America and around the world.

More Episodes:

Maximizing Kingdom Resources

Special guest Tony Amaradio joins Pastor John Bailey to help churches and ministries learn how to maximize their resources for the Kingdom of God.