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For believers, no trial is without purpose. There is no better way to learn traits like patience and faithfulness. This week, Keith Holloway looks at what the New Testament book of James has to say on growing in faith through trials. 

Key Points from the Podcast

  • There may be times in the Christian life when trials seem so intense and overwhelming that we begin to question God’s goodness and may even despair of life itself.

  • As followers of Jesus, you can have joy and assurance in your trials knowing that God is testing your faith to show its genuineness and produce in you the patience and endurance needed for the long haul of serving Christ.

  • In your trial you can praise and trust God because he is using it to perfect his work in you.

  • Ask in faith and God will give you the wisdom and divine impartation to know that every trial is for your good.

Bible Verses Referenced in the Podcast

James 1:1–8; Romans 8:28; John 10:10

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