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Recognizing sin and repenting from it are two very different things. While recognition is a great first step, it is not what brings lasting change. In the final episode of this three-part series, Keith Holloway explores victory over sin and the very real danger of false repentance.
Key Points from the Podcast
A nation or people who have rejected God can turn tragedy into triumph if they will genuinely and wholeheartedly repent and return to the Lord.
Authentic repentance will result in putting away sin, clinging to God, and an outpouring of joy.
Following God comes at a cost. You may lose friends, family, or career, but God will establish you so that you will not be moved.
God will correct and discipline our sin, but his ultimate desire is our repentance and restoration.
Bible Verses Referenced in the Podcast
Jeremiah 3:7–25; Isaiah 61:7; Jeremiah 30:11, 17; Lamentations 3:20–26