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Not all fear is bad. There certainly are some fears that are unproductive, but others and natural and healthy. The real key is being able to tell the difference. This week, Keith Holloway goes in depth on how we can find freedom from our worries through a healthy fear of God.

Key Points from the Podcast

  • Fear is one of the most common, but also misunderstood, emotions.

  • Not all fear is bad. There is fear that is to be received, and fear that is to be rejected.

  • At its core, fear is an emotional response and reaction that seeks to avoid any threatening danger.

  • Fear can have a devastating effect upon our whole body—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

  • Natural fear is a good, God-given alarm system meant to cause caution and protect us from harm and danger.

  • Carnal fear is a negative fear that brings confusion, stress, anxiety, dread, and bondage—crippling us from the abundant life we have in Christ.

Bible Verses Referenced in the Podcast

1 Peter 2:17; 2 Timothy 1:7; Genesis 19:30; Matthew 8:23–27; Acts 27:24; Romans 8:6–7,15; Genesis 3:10; Numbers 14:9; Hebrews 2:15