

  • Jesus Is Healing - Why Is God Mocking Me?


    Michael Petillo

    Pastor Michael Petillo continues our "Jesus Is" sermon series talking about the process God takes us through when his healing power is at work in our life. When we pray, things sometimes appear to get worse. Is God mocking us? No, he's waiting for all dependence on human strength to run out, so that we are left with only a word from him. Will we trust him and walk in obedience—leading to a greater revelation of Jesus? Or will we stagnate in anger and bitterness over the process? When we simply trust him and obey, Christ fulfills his healing work, and God alone receives the glory.

  • Jesus Is Transforming


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson continues our "Jesus Is" sermon series talking about the transforming power of Jesus. Through the story of the woman caught in adultery we see how Jesus transforms an audience, the accused and their accusers. He turns sideline spectators into fully engaged Kingdom activists. Through his forgiveness, the accused become the accepted. And the accusers are absent when the authority of Christ is present. Church, let's put down accusing stones and pick up atoning grace.

  • Right Jesus - Wrong Time

    Carter Conlon

    When we come to Jesus Christ it doesn’t mean we are exempt from suffering. Jesus shows us many examples where suffering can be part of the gospel. In Christ we are guaranteed the victory because He crossed that line into eternity. As long as we are in the world, we must not forget we still have to fight for the honor and testimony of Jesus Christ.

  • Jesus is Refreshing


    Gary Wilkerson

    In John 7, we see that Jesus tells those who are thirsty to come to him. He in essence was saying that if you need refreshing and are tired of the old things in your life, he is the answer. We will not only receive refreshing but will have the refreshing waters overflow in our lives. There can be hindrances of unbelief, grumbling and fear to refreshing in our lives. But Jesus intends the rivers to flow in to and out of our heart in abundance—rivers of faith instead of unbelief, praise instead of grumbling and boldness instead of fear.

  • Speaking for God in a Hopeless Time

    Carter Conlon

    God wants to give His people a calm assurance to be able to speak to those who lost their way. We have to be able to explain to hurting people that suffering through darkness and sorrow does not mean that we have lost the battle. Let’s ask God to help us speak words of confidence and comfort to those who are downcast and discouraged.

  • Jesus is Life


    Gary Wilkerson

    Jesus invites us into resurrection life. Don't be like John who looked but did not enter in. Don't be like Mary who felt like an outsider looking in. Don't be like Thomas who allowed doubt to keep him out. Jesus invites us to be all in!

  • The Resurrection of Hope

    William Carrol

    This is a message for those of you who are crushed with disappointment to the point that your hope died. Jesus wants to tenderly get you back to simply loving Him just for Him and He want you to understand He loves you just for you. Today is a good day to fall in love with Jesus all over again.

  • Free People, Free People


    Gary Wilkerson

    Pastor Gary Wilkerson concludes our Freeway sermon series with a call to all who have found freedom to begin bringing freedom to others. When you are truly free, your heart and life will be full of God's praises. We see in Scripture that when people began to praise, chains fell off and prison doors swung open. You'll become a life saver, rescuing those in need. And your story is no longer about you, but about bringing other people to Christ. None of this is possible of course, unless you are first filled with the spirit of Jesus.

  • Shouting Glory in the Temple

    Carter Conlon

    We are the temple of God in which He is developing a song. This song doesn’t come from what we can do for Him, but what He has done and continues to do in and through us. Everyone will shout and proclaim that only God could do this.

  • The Battle that Rages for Your Mind


    Carter Conlon

    Believers must work constantly not to lose sight of God's work in our lives and will for our communities and world. In this week's sermon, Pastor Carter Conlon shares how believers can defend their minds and spirits against daily erosion and spiritual blindness. He encourages us to constantly remind ourselves of God's promises and past work so that we can remain aware of God's presence around us.