

Stories from the Field

  • The God of All Comfort

    World Challenge Staff

    God is consoling the broken hearts of those who have lost loved ones and giving them hope for the future.

    Rana* arrived at a conference held by World Challenge’s partners, and she sat and wept the entire time. Concerned, members of the team approached her and asked her what had happened. Tearfully, Rana explained that her husband had died only eight months earlier.

  • Healing Coming to Bosnia

    World Challenge Staff

    The gospel is bringing change and healing to a war-torn country through people’s hearts, minds and communities. 

    World Challenge’s partner in Bosnia, Marko, has been working for years to help heal the scars caused by the Bosnian War in 1995 and then the Bosnian Spring in 2014.

  • The Path Forward

    Morgan Pracht

    World Challenge’s partners in Kenya are helping abandoned kids create a better future. 

    Joshua was very young, probably not yet a teenager, when he was abandoned to live on the streets of Kenya’s capital city. Sadly, that’s not uncommon. It’s estimated that there are as many as 300,000 kids living on the streets in Nairobi and other big cities across the country. Those kids lead difficult lives. Consistent meals are hard to come by, and fights and violence are very common.

  • A Place at Home

    Morgan Pracht

    World Challenge’s partners in Kenya are providing refuge for girls threatened with forced child marriage.

    For many young girls in parts of Kenya, the questions of who and when they marry is not up to them. A legal battle against child marriage has been fought for decades in Kenya. Underage marriage was banned in 1990 and was more heavily criminalized by a law passed in 2014, but that has done little to stop the practice.

  • Dancing for Joy Together

    World Challenge Staff

    “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:4-5, ESV). 

    Scriptures often discuss celebration, and God actually instituted several holidays for his people to rest and worship him. The art of celebration is a regular practice in the Old Testament, and it is echoed in the future wedding feast of the Lamb discussed in Revelation.

  • A Song in the Silence

    World Challenge Staff

    No matter how great the obstacles, God continues to call his own out of the darkness into the light of new life.

    A few nations in Southeast Asia have had some of the world’s strictest Coronavirus lockdowns, which has made ministry very difficult for the past two years; but as we’ve seen worldwide, God has in no way been limited by the lockdowns or other restrictions.