Return to the Chuppah

Gary Wilkerson

The Israelites were aware of God's glory and presence. This was a covering to them and was also their protection. The nation of Israel illustrated this covering many ways, one of which is their prayer shawl called a chuppah. When they prayed they came into the presence and covering of God. The Jewish people also used this chuppah in their marriage ceremony. The couple that was making a covenant with one another made this commitment under the covering of the chuppah, representing their covenant with God in every aspect of their marriage. Every decision this couple made in the future was to be only under the covering of God. Paul warns in Corinthians of breaking this covenant and joining with something outside of God's covering. When you step outside of God's covering for your marriage you are breaking the covenant that you made before God. You must actively protect the covenant you have with one another by staying under the chuppah and in the presence of God.