

  • Many Will Come Into the Kingdom

    Gary Wilkerson

    In the last days, who will be saved? Will only a limited handful who hold to a specific doctrine? Or, is it possible, we’ll be surprised by the vast saving power of Christ?

  • Spending and Being Spent

    Ben Crandall

    If God can have all of you to Himself then God can use you to be spent for His kingdom. God bought us with His own blood and He stamped His image on us so we can show others who He is. He is calling us to yield all of our talents and gifts for His glory. The great struggle is with the heart that is not willing to surrender to His purposes and plans. If you are in a struggle God will wait until you come to the end of yourself and then be there to pick you up and empower you to do His will.

  • Surrendered Saints on Dry Land

    Carter Conlon

    This message is about the mercy of God. The voice of God is crying out to all His people who are in a spiritual slumber because of self seeking, soft religion. God in His mercy will prepare a trial that will lead us into a type of the sufferings of Christ. This crisis will cause us to be awakened to prayer, and in this time God will throw overboard everything that hinders us from His power. The moment we surrender and yield our life to God's purposes, His mercy will begin to flow in us and through us. The Holy Spirit will give us the courage to stand in the midst of adversity, and speak life into others around us who are perishing.

  • Seeing Through the Hands of Jesus

    Carter Conlon

    When we intermingle with the ways of the world, we lose sight of God's ways. We are not called to have the earth bless us; we are called to bless the earth. Our cry has to be "Jesus, touch us and cause us to see what you see and feel what you feel! Lord, cause us to have something deeper than sporadic bursts of kindness." Our eyes should be opened to the compassion of Christ and our hands should be committed to make a difference in society. When we move out in this direction, there is a divine power imputed to us for the work of the Lord.

  • Reprobates and Trembling Nations

    Carter Conlon

    Whenever a nation, church or person becomes aware of God's truth and refuses to yield to it, a deep darkness will overtake them. Idleness, abundance of bread, and pride is the sin of Sodom. It is the result of a people who don't represent Jesus Christ and His ministry to the fatherless, widow, the poor, and the needy. There is a diabolical message being preached that takes from the poor and leaves them in ruin. God says shall not the land tremble because of this? God judges and lays an indictment at the door of those who have the power to make a difference in this generation and fails to do so. The church of America must wake up and rise out of a self seeking pursuit of God and begin to understand again what the true ministry of Jesus Christ really is.


  • Christ's Complete Triumph in the Devil's Wilderness

    Teresa Conlon

    Before Jesus ever performed a miracle and before he started a ministry, He was led into the wilderness. There, Jesus delivered the devil a death blow and we have the ultimate privilege of entering into the victory with Him. When we are in our wilderness temptations, Jesus will remind us how He faced the devil alone so that we will never be alone in our hour of temptation. It's important to understand that Jesus triumphed gloriously over the devil before He set out to redeem us.

  • Learning to Call Sin, Sin

    Neil Rhodes

    God is for us not against us. He Is determined to provoke us to deal with hidden issues because He knows what lies ahead of us and He desires to bless us. It is vital that we allow God to go after the sins that we have buried for years. The moment we get honest with God and call sin Sin, prison doors will open and the power of God will break through in our lives.