

  • The Humble Will Soon Hear Your Song

    Carter Conlon

    Time and time again the enemy will come after our mind with a demonic flood of accusations to move us away from our true identity and righteousness that we have in Jesus Christ. God will arise above this flood and fight for us by showing us clearly the eternal future of Satan. God will open up the earth and show us that we are redeemed and set free from every judgment Satan spews at us. He will show us that actually it is Satan who is judged and it is Satan who will eternally burn in hell.

  • I Have Labored in Vain

    David Wilkerson

    This is a message for the discouraged. The enemy will come with lies to discourage us and that lie is to get us to think that we have labored in vain because of unanswered prayers and shattered expectations. It is very dangerous to allow this lie to fester in our heart. The Holy Spirit will awaken our spirit and mind to the truth that God will not fail us and that the verdict of our life is in His hands.

  • You Will Soon Be Released from the Wilderness

    Carter Conlon

    The wilderness is a place where we begin to realize without the strength and power of God we will not be able to go on. There has to be a determination in our heart to make hell tremble. Those who have learned in their wilderness experience to lean on the Lord will come out infused with His power and authority.

  • How Shall We Escape If We Neglect So Great Salvation?

    Neil Rhodes

    It doesn’t matter how far your sin has taken you. God’s word will always move you forward into repentance and reveal His heart and will for your life. God’s word will always take you to a place of victory in Jesus Christ. God has an expected end for us and His plans are good.

  • A Mighty Life in God

    Teresa Conlon

    A life mighty in God is a person who begins to understand what a great salvation we have. It is a life that has been led through the Red Sea of their own heart and in this wilderness God will deliver us from our frailties and repeated failures. It is a life that embraces the truth that when we are weak then we are strong. We will be delivered and we will become deliverers for this generation.

  • Kiss the Son

    William Carrol

    Every now and then something rises in a Christian's heart when we begin to come close to Jesus and listen to His heart. We begin to see our own religious acts and rituals and it brings us to a place of humility and we begin to wash the feet of Jesus.

  • Understanding Spiritual Authority (Part 3) - The Greatest Faith in Israel

    Carter Conlon

    The spoken word of the scriptures has the same force of authority of the God who said, “Let there be light.” When we place ourselves under the authority of God’s word our eyes are open to see and know the power of the spoken word of God. There is a faith that is infused in us when we place ourselves under the authority of God’s word.