• Culture of Self (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

    Culture of Self (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

    Joshua West

    Many churches and believers claim that they believe in the Bible, but their behavior and actions testify that they don't. In this sermon, Joshua West explains how we can discern whether or not our church or the people in our lives actually submit to scripture as God's Word. One important mark of spiritual maturity is being able to identify false teaching and to seek biblically sound instruction.

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  • A Worker Approved by God (2 Timothy 2:14-26)

    A Worker Approved by God (2 Timothy 2:14-26)

    Joshua West

    How exactly did the Apostle Paul intend for believers to become 'workmen approved by God'? In this sermon, Joshua West talks about where the Bible instructs Christians how to examine their faith and relationship with the Lord, how to align themselves to the scriptures and to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit. Certain characteristics will be evident in a heart submitted to God and sound doctrine, and mature believers will be able to identify those signs of the Spirit's work in a life. 

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  • The Deepest Groaning Within You

    The Deepest Groaning Within You

    Carter Conlon

    Are you willing to let your plans and agendas for your life die? In this session, Carter Conlon discusses how we hear clearly from the Spirit, hear the voice of God and finally identify the groaning in your soul. Most people say that they want to know what God’s will is and hear him speak, but almost just as many people find that God’s ideas and words don’t fit within our estimations of what life should look like or who we want to be. If we want to come into agreement with Spirit in our heart, we must overcome our own will and plans.

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  • His Staff & Rod

    His Staff & Rod

    John Bailey

    What does it mean to be a leader in submission to other leaders? In this session, John Bailey examines the story of young David as he worked under King Saul and how this season prepared David to be a humble leader. Leadership can be lonely business, and leaders can come under so many blows in the service of the Lord. When we feel as if no one around us cares for our soul, it trains us to rely on God in an unusual way.

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  • The God or Nothing Ministry

    The God or Nothing Ministry

    Carter Conlon

    Nothing can stand in for the power of God truly being present among God’s people. In this session, Carter Conlon appeals to believers to not settle for knowledge about the Lord when they could have the Father’s living presence among them. In the book of Acts, people were coming from the temple where they had received accurate biblical teaching, but they were not transformed until they encountered the Holy Spirit moving powerfully through the disciples. The same holds true for believers and the church today.

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  • Putting Robes Over Scars

    Putting Robes Over Scars

    Tim Dilena

    Life is difficult and often leaves us deeply wounded. In this session, Tim Dilena discusses some of the reasons why God allows us to go through horrific circumstances. Out of the lives of Joseph and King Hezekiah, he illustrates the purpose God has for his servants as wounds heal into scars. Lord builds character and the fruits of his Spirit quicker in a wounded heart that has been surrendered into his hands than in anyone who is strong, competent and skilled in their own right.

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  • Protect Your Fire

    Protect Your Fire

    Claude Houde

    How do we ensure that our passion for and awareness of the Lord doesn’t dim? In this sermon, Claude Houde points out how men and women of God almost always fall into despair or compromise when they are isolated. Prayer dwindles and zeal for heaven dies when leaders are alone for too long. Nothing is more vital for maintaining for spiritual fire than making sure we have godly community and accountability.

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