

  • Death Valley Revival

    William Carrol

    Can the person who seems so far away from God be miraculously saved so they never go back to their sin again. Can a person who once walked with God and has drifted away from Him leaving them in death and despair be revived again? Can these bones live? The answer is YES because God has determined to be merciful and forgive. God will begin to stir His people again and cause us to believe for a revival in Death Valley. When we remind ourselves of what God has done in the past, we can pray in faith believing Him to do the miraculous in the future.

  • The Eye of the Needle

    Carter Conlon

    Jesus offers us not just a future hope but a present reality. Some of us have a present trust while we seek a future hope. God calls us to give up our present trust and walk with Him. What are you trusting in that keeps you locked out of the power of God's Kingdom? God's Kingdom is a NOW Kingdom and He beckons us to leave behind what we once trusted in, let go of all our baggage, and slip through the eye of the needle! It's the person who realizes he has nothing to offer God but a willing heart that slips through the Eye of the Needle. The issue is letting go and trusting God.

  • Beware of the Angry Watchmen

    Carter Conlon

    There is a false revival on the rise. It is the rise of the angry watchman who will cast stones at those who have gone astray from the Lord. This false revival consists of ministers who have led people away from the truth through legalism and a misguided prosperity gospel. They will forbid and command prodigals not to come into the presence of God until you work your way back into His favor through human effort and religion. We must not remove the veil from the bride of Christ. We have a righteousness that cannot be taken away from us because Jesus is our veil.

  • The Importance of the Right Choice

    Ben Crandall

    There are forces of Satan, the world, and our flesh that cry out to us and tempt us to make choices against God. Satan has a plan for our lives and he is out to destroy us. There is another voice that cries out to us. This is the voice of the Holy Spirit sent by God to teach us His will and His ways. God has a plan for our lives and every choice we make can lead us closer to Him or draw us away from Him. Basically every decision we make is either for God or against God. What will you choose?

  • Son, Stand Still

    William Carrol

    What kind of prayer would cause the Son of God to be stopped in His tracks? You will find many types of prayer in the gospel of Luke and the eighteenth chapter, but there is only one prayer that caused Jesus to stand still. This type of prayer begins in the heart of a beggar. It's a heart that understands its utter and dyer need. This is the heart that cries out in faith "Jesus Son of David have Mercy on me!" God's responds to this cry because His heart is filled with mercy and grace. We don't have to wrestle a blessing from God.

  • The Image of God

    Carter Conlon

    When the church of Jesus Christ begins to portray a wrong image of God, it opens the door for uncalled and unfaithful men to take positions as spiritual leaders. The end result of standing before the wrong image of God will lead the people into a theological perspective that is based on human optimism as opposed to sacrifice and truth. The true image of God represents Jesus Christ, the Cross, His sacrifice and all that is Holy. If we are going to know the true image of God, we will be led to a place where we are undone, where everything that we thought we were has to die. We must take joyfully the spoils of all of our religious goods and come before this image of the TRUE and Holy God. It is only in the presence of Jesus Christ that we are turned from image to image by the Glory of God.

  • Standing on the Wrong Side of the Battle

    Carter Conlon

    Whenever the people of God move away from living in a manner that brings glory to His Name, they will find themselves positioned on the wrong side of the battle. What do you do when you find yourself charting your own course because you refused to trust in God's promises? God says if you belong to Him, He will get you out! Suddenly all your new plans, new friends, new truths, new opinions that you formed in the flesh will leave you standing all ALONE on the wrong side of the battle and something will rise up in your heart that says get me out of here! God is calling His church to rise up and go after everything that the enemy has taken from us until we recover all.

  • When God Discovers Weakness

    Neil Rhodes

    People who are acquainted with their weakness know they need something greater than themselves to come out of their condition. If we see beyond our own self perception and discover our weaknesses we'll be led into God's strength. It is God's strength that is made complete in our weakness. We will be taken on a journey into the supernatural through a process of discovering our weaknesses. When we allow God to finger our weaknesses there is a supernatural work being done in our life. God wants our life to be a testimony of His grace and power. All the strength we need is found in Jesus Christ.

  • Spiritual DNA

    Teresa Conlon

    When God chose us he wasn’t looking for perfection. He is looking for a people who would respond in faith when He begins to visit our areas of death. Faith is not about thinking optimistically, is it about being quickened by God through His promises and believing that He can bring things that are not into being. DNA tests can reveal who the Father is. Abraham is our Father of Faith. Is there evidence in your walk that Abraham is your father? Can you hope against hope and believe God to fulfill all His promises in your life. What is your spiritual DNA?

  • A Salute to Those Who Stayed with the Stuff


    David Wilkerson

    This message is for all those who never had the opportunity to go out on the mission field but stayed behind and prayed for the mission. This is a true portrayal of how the body of Christ operates. There are combatants- those who go on the mission and fight in the front lines and there are the congregants - those who stay behind and stand in the gap with militant prayers that bring about the victory. God is calling His church to rest in their calling and to have clean hands and pure hearts so that the love of Jesus will flow through us in the power of the Holy Spirit. If our ministry for Jesus is not fueled by the love of God then what we do counts for nothing. Love is and always will be the more EXCELLENT way!