The Sophisticated and the Radical

Gary Wilkerson

In 1 Corinthians 8, Paul is addressing the issue of eating food offered to idols. In the U.S. this isn't a topic we really have to face, but many Christians around the world are persecuted because of it every day. As Americans though, there is still something to be learned from these verses. Much of the American church has become idolatrous in that many come to church each Sunday for what they can get out of it, rather than giving their all to Jesus — expecting nothing in return. We put God's blessings in front of God Himself. Also, in wanting to be accepted by the world, much of the church has become like the world, rather than being transformed into the image of Christ. Today, compromise is presented as “Christian liberty” — saying, “We are strong, mature, sophisticated believers. We can handle the temptation.” We should no longer have any interest in our former associations. Instead, we should be living in full obedience to the Word of God — longing to keep our Spirit-led conscious clean, pure and holy.