

  • Seizing Your God Story

    Gary Wilkerson

    Even though much of our life is beyond our control, there is a story we hold onto in the midst. We can write our own story but God wants to do something greater; He wants to give us our own God story. Allowing God to be the author of our lives gives us faith for unlimited resources and total triumph – things only explained by a great God. Obedience to His Word is the key to being fully engaged in your God story.

  • The Mark of the Beast

    Carter Conlon

    How willing are we to allow God to unfold His plan in our life? Those who will be deceived into taking the mark of the beast will be unsatisfied with the things of God, and develop a false value system. As a result they will bring to God less than He requires of them. But those who choose to live for the will of God are promised His peace and strength. God will take us into His protective hand and nothing will harm us. God knows those who are His and we are sealed in the almighty hands of God.

  • When Sin and Religion Become Friends

    Carter Conlon

    There is no deeper darkness than when sin and religion become friends. When we sit under the true preaching of God's Word and then embrace a lie, sin and religion become friends. It is that inner struggle that we all have to face from time to time when we come to a minimal understanding of the ways of God, and yet in our own heart we think we might know a better way than the one God has planned for us. There is incredible power in the deceptiveness of the human heart. God is calling us to be single focused and to agree with His truth so that our heart will not be veiled with the deceit of religion. When we turn, with all of our heart, to the Lord, the veil is lifted and our lives become a testimony of His goodness and power.

  • Revival is Coming and What It Will Look Like

    Carter Conlon

    How is it possible for revival to come in such a Christ rejected nation? We as Christians have to make a choice to live in this world as a testimony of the keeping power of God. The cry of the church should be, “Lord, stretch forth you hand and heal through me. Use my life to bring healing and freedom to those who are lost.” What will revival look like? All people with a no name ministry will suddenly show up with the glory of God on them. Grandmothers who laid hold of the Cross will begin to speak to a younger generation. Young people like David in the Bible who will not cower under the pressure of this society will rise up with a cry that says, "is there not a cause?" There is coming a season when God will turn the people’s hearts back to Him and He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh.

  • Grown-Up Faith

    William Carrol

    How does our faith mature? We would like to think that faith can grow without difficulty and trials but faith can never grow unless we are tested. Faith can never mature until we are placed in desperate situations. Grown up faith is driven to the back side of the dessert and is challenged with hopelessness. Mature faith waits on God and receives Jesus' “no” as heartily as His “yes”. Can you trust Jesus even when He says “no”? That is grown up faith.

  • Being Set Apart


    Gary Wilkerson

    The world, and sometimes even the church, is saturated with compromise, sin and apathy. As morality is forgotten and the boundaries between right and wrong become obscured, believers are called to draw a clear line between evil and good.

  • A Word For Those Who Feel Like Quitting

    Carter Conlon

    You might say you started your walk with the Lord with such optimism and all of a sudden you are fighting wars within and wars without. You know the battle is fierce and in and of yourself you have no power to get through your situation. The enemy will roar in your ear with the lie that your circumstance is greater than your God. This message encourages us that if Christ is in us we will never be overpowered by the voice or strategy of the devil. God will take you through before He takes you out. He will give you supernatural strength and your testimony will be Jesus took me through. Never give up because God is on your side!

  • Don’t Miss This

    Teresa Conlon

    If the Lord asked you if you trust Him what would your answer be? Have you believed the lie that your situation is too overwhelming to trust God? When you come to a place of impossibility don’t draw back in fear and unbelief. God is looking for a heart to trust Him. This message reminds us to look back at God's faithfulness in our lives. Remember that the same God who gave His life for us is the same God who promises to keep us. It is in these times of adversity that God is training us to trust Him. We will live under a canopy of His mercy all the days of our life. You can trust Jesus to love you and take away all your pain.