Maintaining the Engine of Discipline
Advent: The Hope of Prophets
The first Sunday of Advent is about much more than just lighting candles and starting the countdown to Christmas.
Living in the Middle of Thanksgiving
Giving thanks for what we have and the people we are surrounded by shouldn’t just be a holiday event; it should be a way of life, but how do we achieve that?
John Kralik’s life was a disaster.
Confessions of a Modern-Day Pharisee
People these days often say, “Don’t judge” right before admitted questionable behavior, but is judging people’s choices always bad?
I don’t much care for the parable of the prodigal son.
The Eagles Are Coming: Living With an Otherworldly Joy
As we’re faced with difficulties in life, it’s hard to feel peace or joy, but the Bible says this is one of the marks of those filled with the Spirit.
Living Both the Best and Truest Life
We admire people who seem truly at peace, unshakably confident and unflustered by criticism; so how do we become those people?
We Are Stronger Together
Our mission is to raise up leaders to champion God’s kingdom in the darkest corners of the world.
Trials Versus Dark Nights of the Soul
God’s followers will fall into tough times, but how do we know if we’re facing normal bumpy roads or a darker, rougher path?
Building Endurance in Ministry, Life and Love
In modern culture, speed is often prioritized over endurance, but there are great blessings in developing discipline and striving for longevity.
The Guessing Game: Who Are You?
God made us each with individual personalities and gifts, so why do those seem to get so easily muddled up in private fears and social anxieties?
In his book Samson and the Pirate Monks, Nate Larkins discusses a phenomenon that probably all human beings know too well.