

Stories from the Field

  • Recovering From COVID-19

    Pacifique Nzoyisenga

    As the coronavirus spreads through Africa, one of our partners shares his battle with it and his heart for his country’s people.

    Early in 2020, the world health organizations announced a pandemic and killing virus named COVID-19. By March, every nation around the globe was counting patients and deaths due to that plague.

  • The Holy Ghost in Cambodia

    Rachel Chimits

    One man found the key to escaping his culture’s long-held fear of evil spirits and sorcery in a simple search for new work.

    Cambodia, like many of its Southeast Asian neighbors, is a hotbed of spiritual beliefs.

    The country is at a central point of the peninsula and home to Cham, Chinese, Vietnamese and French philosophical counterpoints where sacred traditions and animism have blended into a chimera of religion.  

  • A Growing Boldness to Evangelize

    Rachel Chimits

    In spite of many challenges and dangers, God has revolutionized one man’s impact on his own church and community.

    In the Kamalpur community of India, there is little freedom to share the gospel. Government officials can make life very hard for believers if they make themselves known in the neighborhood or openly share their hope in Christ.

  • Surviving COVID-19 in the D.R. Congo

    Rachel Chimits

    While their country is rocked to its core by conflict and hardship, our partners in the Congo are working to support and build up their churches and communities.

    When the COVID-19 pandemic began, many wondered if it would have relatively little impact in Africa. The majority of countries and cities there had no active cases. The move to close international borders, however, has proved to be extremely detrimental to African nations’ economies.

  • South America Emerges from the Pandemic

    World Challenge Staff

    Local communities in Brazil are taking the initiative to continue learning and find ways of thriving despite the COVID-19 lockdowns.

    This has been a challenging time for so many of us. Lives have been upended; jobs have been lost, and celebrations have been postponed or canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Jacob’s Well communities in Brazil have faced similar challenges, compounded by poverty and limited health care access.

  • The Path to Return Home

    Rachel Chimits

    A man and his wife had to move away from their hometown, but God put a burden on their hearts for their neighbors and then opened a door.

    The year of 2020 started with good news for our team in Brazil. For two years, we have been doing development work in a community called Terra Nova in the city of Morada Nova, Ceará. We wanted to build up the church and Christian community in this area.