
The Many Names of God

Rachel Chimits

By some counts, the Bible offers over 20 distinctly different names for God, but why does it do this?

According to some sources, God’s multiple titles and names included in the Bible are based off of the tradition of ancient rulers to give themselves many grandiose labels. The only problem with this is since when has God ever had any need to compete or adhere to human traditions?

If he isn’t playing along with some human tradition, then, why are these titles given to us?

Forged in the Right Fire

Rachel Chimits

The world and the Bible have very different ideas about love in all its various forms, so where exactly do these definitions diverge?

The age-old human tradition of rubbernecking at dumpster fires is a well-documented one and thoroughly practiced throughout all generations, ranging anywhere from the 1897 novel Irene Iddesleigh to the Netflix documentary Tiger King and beyond.

A Reflection on George Floyd and Our Nation’s Pain

Rachel Chimits

The people of the United States are being wracked by grief and anger once more over the prevalent issue of racism; in this hour, how can followers of Christ respond?

The death of one man in Minneapolis has become the poignant reminder of lifelong and often ignored discrimination that many American citizens of color face every day. From this moment there rose a cry for justice to be done.

The Gift of “Laborious Doing”

Rachel Chimits

Every dream or highly anticipated project has a honeymoon period, but why does the glow fade and do we have to stick with it afterward?

In C.S. Lewis’s brilliant book The Screwtape Letters, senior devil Screwtape writes to his nephew, advising him on how to handle his patient who has just become a Christian (all references to The Enemy are to God since these are, after all, a pair of devils writing to one another).

I Wish I Was Someone Else

Rachel Chimits

When we struggle with the unlikable parts of ourselves, what do we wish we could change and how do we take this out on others?

If you’re anything like me, the rule against coveting in the Ten Commandments is easy to brush off.

“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's” (Exodus 20:17, ESV).

Going Back to the Water Source

Rachel Chimits

Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt 5:8), so how do we get our hearts in that condition?

I once heard a missionary from Russia tell this story.

There was a little village in a remote area, far away from major cities like Moscow or St. Petersburg. The surrounding land was all farms, and the locals specialized in growing pumpkins and squash.

The Way Church Is Flying

Rachel Chimits

The church going remote changed the way believers have connected in this season, but what kinds of long-term effects will this have?

Few migrations are more famous in North America than the Monarch butterfly’s majestic, 3,000-mile, multigenerational journey from Canada to Mexico.

The Ultimate Showdown: Peacekeeping VS. People-pleasing

Rachel Chimits

People who hate conflict often cling to the verses where God says that peacemakers are blessed, but what does living that out actually look like?

In C.S. Lewis’s satirical science fiction novel That Hideous Strength, a young married couple Mark and Jane find themselves key players in a grand and terrible academic experiment, ironically named N.I.C.E., to disprove the existence of God. Betrayed by the people he has trusted, Mark sits in a cell, awaiting execution.