
The Virtue of Patience in Pain

World Challenge Staff

God often permits pain to enter into his children’s lives, and he promises to gloriously transform these moments to joy, but the space of waiting between those two moments can be agonizing.

Stanford University may not have the long history of Oxford or Cambridge, but it’s prestigious and both its professors and students tend to be well-heeled. On campus, they have the grand Memorial Church, which has been called the University’s “architectural crown jewel.”

How We Escape Binding Sins

World Challenge Staff

Many of us struggle with problems that have such a grip on us that we feel like we’ll never shake them off, so how do we find freedom?

Bill Wilson was a polite young man on the verge of getting shipped off to France for World War I. He was invited to a party before being deployed where someone handed him his first cocktail. He took one sip, and the rest was history.

The Great and Terrible Command

World Challenge Staff

God’s order for us to forgive those who harm us can feel unbearable to obey at times, but they are worse consequences if we ignore his commands.

Gary Leon Ridgway was a truck factory worker and a rigidly religious man, but in 2003, he would become known for something else altogether.