Carter Conlon

A Thief in a Parking Lot

Carter Conlon

The thief has come to kill your future and family, to steal your joy and hope and to kill your effectiveness on earth. The devil will have us believe we will always be in pursuit of a victory we will never catch. Today we are reminded that we have been given weaponry in Christ to pursue the kingdom of darkness and pulldown strongholds. As the Church of Jesus Christ we should stop sniffling and stand up against Satan because we have a General that is so powerful that the mention of His name can fold up the universe.

Push Back the Darkness

Carter Conlon

We are living in an age of darkness and without God intervening, this generation will end up hopeless. We are up against a lawlessness that sets itself against all that is from God. We must never lose sight that the battle we fight is for the souls of men. It doesn’t matter how difficult life looks when we turn to God in prayer we are empowered to pull down every stronghold. We must take a stand by getting on our knees to push back the darkness and bring about a season of mercy through prayer.

A Last Day Return To Power

Carter Conlon

The church of Jesus Christ began with the promise of a divine enablement to those who would turn from their sin and recognize Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. In the last days many will settle for an appearance of godliness and abandon God’s purpose for them on the earth. We must beware of always learning but never allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us into the purpose and the place where truth will lead us. In the last day’s the church we will end up where the church began—in the prayer room so that God’s power will be rediscovered.

I Will Not Die, But Live

Carter Conlon

Have you deviated from the path of God in pursuit of self? If we don’t get the self-focus out of our heart, we will begin to create another Christ that will accommodate our selfish pursuit and we will end up in a dry place. Today, if you have this cry in your heart, “God come and speak to us, we are dry and we have lost our confidence and our joy is almost gone.” God’s answer to you is, “Hear the Word of the Lord.” God desires to give you a power source that is not your own. He will bring you up out of every place where death has reigned.

The True Witness

Carter Conlon

There is a difference between the message of Christ and all the other religions that are available to humankind. God almighty in the form and power of the Holy Spirit is not only willing to save us but He is willing to indwell us and transform us from the inside out. If you have Christ in you, the Hope of Glory, that is God’s way of making Himself known to others who are outside of His Kingdom. Christ in us gives us the power to break every bondage, endure every storm and empowers our speech to bring light to others who are captivated in darkness.

I Will Call Upon God

Carter Conlon

Our nation is experiencing a breakdown of decency, morality and civility. In the very near future sin will have its full expression creating the last worldwide rebellion against the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the midst of it all, there will be a people who will rediscover that we are the Church of the Living God and the Christ who triumphed over sin and Satan lives inside of us. We, as God’s people, have power in prayer to turn this hellish agenda back and make it bend its’ knee to Christ. If we will pray God will hear.

Anoint Our Eyes Again

Carter Conlon

As the people of God, we have lost our focus. We have lost sight of our condition and our calling. It’s imperative to rediscover our identity in Christ and what God ‘s purpose is for us in the earth. If you open the door of your heart God will open the scriptures to you, give you understanding and bring you into a place of power. Let your cry be, “Lord anoint my eyes, show me Your purpose for my life and give me a heart to do the work of an evangelist.”

Old Men Shall Dream Dreams

Carter Conlon

What are these dreams that old men will dream? The Holy Spirit will give you divine revelation and power to speak to the next generation. If our hearts are turned inward we will lose vision and power, but when our heart turns to the children of this generation God will pour out His Spirit upon us. Pastor Carter gives an illustrated sermon of his life’s journey to encourage us to speak into the lives of our family and to influence another generation.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

Carter Conlon

This message comes with a warning. The world as we know it is going to plunge into an unspeakable darkness. Israel will soon be encompassed by enemy armies. Jesus warned us in the last days that many false prophets are going to arise and many people will be deceived because they are not in the Word of God. There is power in the Word of God to bring life, strength and direction. The promises of God are there for you to establish your thoughts so you can get through your day.