Christian life

The Home We’ve Never Known

World Challenge Staff

The recent film Northman is a surreal saga of one man’s revenge quest amid Norse myth and relentless brutality. The main character witnesses his father and then half of his hometown be murdered by his uncle and uncle’s followers. He barely escapes, only to witness his mother being carried off by the traitors. He swears to avenge his father and rescue his mother.

The Secret Ingredient for Great Missionaries

World Challenge Staff

All too often the church has oversimplified the Great Commission and missed out on the most important trait needed to reach the lost and shepherd the church. 

Dr. Henry Cloud is a psychologist and consultant for corporate leaders who are trying to improve their team dynamics. A new president who was overseeing a merger between two health-care organizations asked Dr. Cloud to sit in on a meeting for the upper-management teams from both companies.

Dancing for Joy Together

World Challenge Staff

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:4-5, ESV). 

Scriptures often discuss celebration, and God actually instituted several holidays for his people to rest and worship him. The art of celebration is a regular practice in the Old Testament, and it is echoed in the future wedding feast of the Lamb discussed in Revelation.

A Thief Reborn and Transformed

Steve Voyen

God is the only one who can completely change a hard heart, and he has done exactly this in one man who lived wildly and dangerously.

Emanuel Rop lives in the Rift Valley, in an area that borders two tribes called Kipsigis and Luos. He is 45 years old, and nothing about his life these days with his wife and four children would hint of his wild past before meeting God.

Known, Wanted and Loved

Morgan Pracht

In the long-term aftermath of Romania’s revolution, World Challenge’s partners are providing a home for kids who don’t have family of their own.

Up until 1989, Romania was under the control of one of the world’s most oppressive Communist regimes. Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu was eventually overthrown and executed, but the timing of this political turmoil could not have been worse for Romania’s most vulnerable populations.

The Great and Terrible Command

World Challenge Staff

God’s order for us to forgive those who harm us can feel unbearable to obey at times, but they are worse consequences if we ignore his commands.

Gary Leon Ridgway was a truck factory worker and a rigidly religious man, but in 2003, he would become known for something else altogether.