Christian life

Preparing for Easter

Rachel Chimits

Some of the great symbols of our faith have been sadly misused in history, but this doesn’t make them any less important.

My mother observed Lent and always wore all black to church on Good Friday. One time, shortly before we left the house, I asked her why. 

“Today is kind of like remembering Jesus’ funeral. Of course, we know he’s alive and waiting for us in heaven, but first he had to die.”

The Passover Controversy

Rachel Chimits

One of the biggest holidays surrounding Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection is polarizing people.

Whether you’re settling in to watch Ten Commandments or Prince of Egypt with the family to kick off this pre-Easter weekend, the part of the story most likely to invoke questions among children or just generally inquisitive viewers is the angel of death and the Passover feast.

An Increased Intimacy with Jesus

Gary Wilkerson

Gary Wilkerson emphasizes the importance of prioritizing a deep, intimate love for Jesus above all else in the Christian life.