
The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West emphasize the importance of loving others with genuine compassion that flows from a heart transformed by God's love.

Cows, Collaboration, and Compassion

Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss an approach to Christian missions combining compassion ministry and collaboration with indigenous believers.

Stitching Up the Wounds

Gary Wilkerson

How do we stir up a radical passion for God’s will and people in the world? Suffering and how we respond to it could be our answer.

Fiery passion for God’s work is born out of compassion, if you think about it. God sent Christ to die for sinners. Biblically, his glory and judgment go hand-in-hand with his love for us as his image-bearers and grief over sin.

Compassion for the Hurting

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The evangelists George Whitefield and John Wesley were two of the greatest preachers in history. These men preached to thousands in open meetings, on the streets, in parks and prisons, and through their ministries many were brought to Christ. But a doctrinal dispute arose between the two men over how a person is sanctified. Both doctrinal camps defended their positions strongly, and some vicious words were exchanged, with the followers of both men arguing in unseemly fashion.