Why Are Pastors Struggling with Suicide?

After the outpouring of responses to our pastors and suicide episode a few months ago, Gary Wilkerson answers some of the questions that viewers sent in about the nature of depression. He also addresses some misconceptions surrounding suicide, particularly in the church. As Gary responds to viewer comments and questions, he also encourages believers with specific ways they can find healing for this kind of deep hopelessness.

Running the Good Race

Rachel Chimits

Pastors around the world need encouragement, refreshment and prayer from their fellow believers.

Recently, Gary Wilkerson, Kelly Wilkerson, Nicky Cruz and Carter Conlon were invited along with other pastors and leaders to speak at a pastors’ conference in Kenya. 

Avoiding ‘Spiritual’ Comparison

  • Basic physical health can affect spiritual and emotional wellness
  • How building Christian relationships keeps our spirits balanced
  • The damaging habit of comparing ourselves to others