
We Do Not Live on Bread Alone

If we want to get to know God and grow spiritually, then we need to develop a daily discipline of spending time with God in his word.

Fitness Can Be a Bridge to Deeper Matters of Faith

Simon Lennox joins Gary Wilkerson to discuss the parallels between physical and spiritual training, how fitness has been a natural bridge to discussing deeper spiritual matters, and the impact this life has on our eternity.

Loving God With All Your Strength

Today, Gary Wilkerson is joined by guest speaker and ministry founder David Bush to talk about how we can balance spiritual disciplines with physical fitness.

Faith & Food – Feeding Your Calling

Unhealthy habits in life usually begin in small steps. They start when we say, “Oh, I can stay up late for this event and still wake up early for work tomorrow. I can splurge with my diet this week and work it off later.” Sooner or later we may find that these small choices have begun to build into serious health problems. This week, Gary Wilkerson talks with a Christian nutritional counselor, Laura Harris Smith, who shares her descent into a deadly medical condition, the way God healed her body and her journey into good health.