Gary Wilkerson


Gary Wilkerson

Many of us often miss the best God has for us because of a hindrance. Because we have some sin or stronghold we refuse to deal with. While those who has flourished in accomplishing the fullness of God's purpose are the ones who have refused to allow a hindrance get in the way. Gary Wilkerson challenges us to ask this very important question today: who or what is hindering you?

Bursting Limitations

Gary Wilkerson

Pulling from the life of the widow in 2 Kings 4, Gary Wilkerson inspires us to stir up our faith to overflowing when a "but now" interrupts life.

Praise is the Final Word

Gary Wilkerson

Gary Wilkerson preaches on the power of praise in overcoming life's difficulties and trials, emphasizing that praise should be our response in all circumstances.

A Way When You See No Way

Gary Wilkerson

How do you find a way when it seems there is no way? Drawing from Mark 2, Gary Wilkerson shares four things to encourage your faith when the circumstances before you appear too hard. It's time to get up in faith and watch God make a way in your life!

Bicycles, Dancing Monkeys and Wax Statues

Gary Wilkerson

We often fight our weaknesses and attempt to cover our failures. Yet, Paul boasted in his weakness and reminded us that in our deficiency, God gives us his strength. Gary Wilkerson shares three Scriptural truths that were redefined for him, allowing him to live with greater sincerity and honesty. When you embrace your weaknesses, you'll begin to rely on a source greater than yourself.

The Healing of Our Hearts

Gary Wilkerson

There's often a snake in the garden—a difficulty in your life to battle. And in those times, you can wrestle with temptation. Usually, these struggles are tied to a core wound or trauma you haven't found healing from. Gary Wilkerson dives beneath the surface to help you uncover your core wound and how you can find healing through Jesus, community and self-love.

TRANSCRIPT (click to expand)

Secure, Significant and Spectacular

Gary Wilkerson

Many of us have a core wound that discounts our identity as a child of God and creates room for temptation to lead to sin. In this authentic sermon from Gary Wilkerson, he shares how to seek healing for your wound and move into your God-ordained purpose with joy.

Four Ways That God Blesses Us With His Favor

Gary Wilkerson

Gary Wilkerson talks about how God gives us his favor in the midst of our struggles, and he identifies a couple areas where we can consistently see God's blessings.

God's Divine Order in the Chaos of Life

Gary Wilkerson

God points out the overwhelming behemoth and leviathan that Job could've never overcome on his own and then points Job to his own authority and power in the world.