
Happy When the Path is Rough

Tim Dilena

“Dear brothers, is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete” (James 1:2-4, TLB).

James gives a command here: “Be happy when the way is rough.” He goes on to reason that if you obey this imperative, your patience will have a chance to grow and you will be ready for anything!

Do Not Let Your Joy Be Stolen

Gary Wilkerson

Right now people are unhappier than ever. That may sound surprising because of all the progress humankind is making. Economists tell us we are the wealthiest generation in history. We have more leisure pursuits and entertainment than at any other time. We also have more modern conveniences than ever. Medical advances multiply year after year.

Obtaining Joy in the Darkest of Times

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

“The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isaiah 35:11). In this passage, Isaiah is telling us that in the midst of the dark times to come, some of God’s elect are going to awaken and lay hold of the Spirit of Christ. When they do so, the Holy Spirit will cause a spirit of joy and gladness to reside in them so deeply that no condition, circumstance or person will be able to steal their joy.

A Joy Found in Surrender

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

“Godliness with contentment is great gain … And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content” (1 Timothy 6:6, 8).

When a believer chooses to go deeper with God and live a fully surrendered life, he most likely will encounter hardship. He might even experience being knocked off his high horse, which literally happened to the apostle Paul (also called Saul). He was going on his self-assured way, riding toward Damascus, when a blinding light came from heaven. Knocked to the ground, he heard a voice from heaven saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 9:4).

Does the Bible Back Up Ikigai?

Rachel Chimits

So much energy and time is devoted in the Western world to discovering our purpose in life, but what if the answer was both simpler and much more difficult than everyone makes it out to be?

As issues with “burnout” seem to be rampantly spreading across the Western world, many are turning to Eastern philosophy in an attempt to find the solution.

One such ideology that’s recently risen to prominence is ikigai.

Joy Through Repentance

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The testimony that God wants to bring forth in his children is joy — genuine, lasting joy. “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). This joy, which results from biblical preaching and true repentance, brings true strength to God’s people and draws sinners into his house.

The Remedy for Complaining

Jim Cymbala

When Christians experience joy today, it has a much more powerful impact on the world than it did decades ago. Why? Because the entitlement mentality so prevalent in our society leads many to feel justified in their anger. We may think, “The government, my employer, my family — someone for sure! — owes me big-time. I’m entitled because my life has been hard. You have no idea what I’ve been through.” There is often a deep resentment in that kind of complaint.

Suffering Yet Joyful

Jim Cymbala

When we walk in the Spirit, when the Holy Spirit controls us, he produces joy in our lives just as he produces love. Luke described Jesus as “full of joy through the Holy Spirit” (Luke 10:21). All joy comes from the Holy Spirit. We can’t manufacture it, call it up, or make it happen on our own.