
Spiritual Disciplines for the Undisciplined

How do we learn from others who are more spiritually mature while also learning what our unique spiritual gifts are? This week, Evan Wilkerson and Brittani Ryals join Mark Renfroe to discuss spiritual discipline as well as what strengths and struggles each generation brings to this topic. How do we bring joy but also self-control to disciplines like prayer and reading the Bible?

Why Is Meditation in the Bible?

Rachel Chimits

Anything that strays too close to New Age practices alarms most believers, and rightfully so, but some disciplines were ours before they were perverted by false spiritualism.

Contemplative spirituality more or less teaches that true holiness and spiritual growth occur by contemplation of God through emptying your mind. The practice typically does not embrace the Bible; if any scripture is included, it’s out of context or very loosely paraphrased.