
Cambodia’s God of Life and Peace

Rachel Chimits

After the horrific atrocities inflicted by the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia’s people are looking for the author of healing and new life.

The Khmer Rouge was one of the most brutal episodes in human history.

Communist dictator Pol Pot decided, in the wake of the Vietnam War, that Cambodia needed to become a socialist paradise, independent from all outside influences.

An Endemic Spread of Ebola

Rachel Chimits

World Challenge partners in Sub-Saharan Africa are faced with another outbreak of one of the worst diseases in modern history.

This June, the first Ebola deaths occurred in Uganda.

The infections in Uganda confirmed that the deadly outbreak has spread for the first time beyond the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Working in the Graveyards

Rachel Chimits

Bangladesh’s most impoverished and discriminated-against group is slowly opening up to outsiders and the good news of Jesus Christ.

Aatmaja waits by the gates, wreathed in the scents of smoldering camphor and incense, burning bamboo and bodies.

Returning Home

World Challenge Staff

Many young, educated Albanians leave their homeland in search of a better life, and Vera intended to be no different until she met God.

Mynevere Saliu, more often called Vera by friends and family, was born into a Muslim Roma family in the city Peqin.