
One on One | With A Past That is Always With Us

Tim Dilena

Jesus knew exactly what people needed not only because he was God but because he truly listened to people's pain. As believers, we are called to mimic Jesus' life, and part of this is learning to ask questions and really listen to people's answers and pray for them. Pastor Tim Dilena talks this week about scripture where Jesus names himself the Great Physician.

Pray While You Still Can

Carter Conlon

We often find sins in our lives that we justify as okay, the "little, white lies" that are condoned by secular culture and excused or ignored by many Christians. What if these "small" sins have a much more serious impact than we could ever imagine? This week, Pastor Carter Conlon talks about rooting out the little weeds in our spiritual lives.

Pray for the Worldwide Church

Rachel Chimits

Pummeled with constant news about crises, it becomes tempting to simply ignore the persecution of our brothers and sisters around the world.

In a sermon at Times Square Church, Pastor Carter Conlon pointed out, “Many today find themselves journeying through this season of despair….

I Can't Go On One More Day

Tim Dilena

Are you at your wits end? Do you find it hard to go on one more day? God knows what we need better than we know what we need. When we’re in charge of our own prayer requests we may be scripting our demise. Things go really bad when God lets us be god to our self. God answers like a father, not a Genie. Most of our prayer requests are telling god how we want Him to answer us, since God is our Father He does what’s right and best for us.

Daniel Had A Window

Carter Conlon

When humanity wants to be its own God and government desires to become “god” to the people, they will attempt to pass laws against prayer. As Christians, we must not let the window of prayer be closed even for one day. It’s time to pray and press into the power of God because He desires to show us His willingness to be merciful.

Pray for Houston

Gary Wilkerson


Hurricane Harvey, the largest rainfall event in US history, has dumped nearly 25 trillion gallons of rain, 19 trillion on Texas. This is enough rain to cover the entire United States nearly 1/2 inch deep. To think of it another way, if the Mississippi River were emptying into Houston, it would take 18 days for it to equal the volume of rain left behind by Hurricane Harvey. It may take weeks to drain and years for the people there to rebuild.