
The Great Ministry of Prayer

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Think of how often our prayers focus on our own needs: our own spiritual growth and the needs of our family and friends. We may spend much of our prayer time seeking the Lord about our personal walk with him: to be made holy; to have dominion over sin; to receive guidance for life; to have his anointing. And we enjoy sweet communion with him, quietly worshiping and being refreshed in his presence.

The Power of Earnest Prayer

Gary Wilkerson

In Acts 12, Peter was imprisoned by King Herod. Thousands in Jerusalem were getting saved through the mighty works of God, with reverberations throughout the city—and Herod felt threatened. Of course, whenever God moves supernaturally through his people, it enrages the enemy. Satan had already stirred Herod to kill James, a leader in the church alongside his brother John and Peter.

Prayer for Believers Amid the Pandemic

World Challenge Staff

God commands us to lay our worries before him, and many brothers and sisters around the world are doing just that as the coronavirus spreads. Let’s join them and pray!

Several of our partners around the world have reached out to World Challenge and asked for prayer during this COVID-19 pandemic.

In Cambodia, our partners have been notified that all schools are now closed, and the country’s New Year celebrations are canceled.

The Danger of Neglecting Prayer

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Christians seem to have a hard time praying. They spend their days worrying, fretting, because they don’t have an answer to their problems. They talk to friends, seek out counselors, read self-help books, listen to podcasts, almost anything to avoid getting on their knees before God. But the Word is clear that we are to go to God first: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

Guarding Your Prayer Life

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

We have heard talk of conspiracies down through the years but there is only one conspiracy that concerns our heavenly Father — a scheme aimed directly at Christians who have set their hearts on entering into the fullness of Christ. This conspiracy is meant to thwart God’s plan of raising up an army of sanctified people — men and women totally devoted to the lordship of Jesus in their lives. Let’s call it a conspiracy of interruptions.

Let Us Pray Together

Valene Russo

God promised that, where two or three are gathered together in his name, his Spirit would be with us. We would love to gather together with you.

From World Challenge’s very beginning, many of you saw us as a part of your church community. You partnered with us through giving and following the sermons, but we wanted to reach out to you in a more personal way. That’s how our Constituent Care department was created.

Blessings Beyond Our Comprehension

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

One of the most often-heard phrases in the church is, "God answers prayer!" Yet that is only half the truth. The whole truth is, "God overanswers prayer!"

Take the children of Israel, for example. Essentially, Hosea prophesied to Israel, “You’re backslidden but you’re still God’s people. Now, return to the Lord and pray.”

Delighting in God

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The prayer that pleases God is very simple and easy to understand. The disciples said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). This request reflects an honest desire to learn to pray in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.