
Whatever Happened to the Lord’s Day?

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Sundays used to be the day set aside as the Lord’s Day, a day to worship God and rest from all other activities. Today, however, Sunday is no longer a hallowed day. Sadly, many Christians no longer look on Sunday as a day to prioritize Christian activities. Millions of believers can be seen heading for their family hideaway — a cabin in the mountains, a house in the country, a chalet at the lake. For them, Sunday is one big play day of boating, swimming, skiing, going on cruises or outings. 

Turning Around on the Racetrack to Burnout

Rachel Chimits

One of the Ten Commandments is to keep the Sabbath holy, but modern society has chosen to ignore this with terrible consequences.

In 1793, the French revolutionaries decided to do away with the calendar as Europe had known it. They wanted a “rational” calendar not based on the state-church that had supported the royal family and supposed divine right of kings.