spiritual awakening

Empty Vessels, Full Hearts

Discover the transformative power of humility and consecration as we delve into the secrets of revival and authentic leadership.

Creating Space to Encounter Jesus

Zach Meerkreebs shares insights from the Asbury Revival on cultivating authentic, Christ-centered spaces that invite people to encounter Jesus in a transformative way.

Discerning True Revival

John Bailey and Mark Renfroe discuss how to identify false revivals that are just hype versus true revivals that result in transformed lives.

Revival Starts in the Heart

Joshua West joins the Gary Wilkerson Podcast to discuss how believers can discern genuine revival without becoming cynical.

I Will Call Upon God

Carter Conlon

Our nation is experiencing a breakdown of decency, morality and civility. In the very near future sin will have its full expression creating the last worldwide rebellion against the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the midst of it all, there will be a people who will rediscover that we are the Church of the Living God and the Christ who triumphed over sin and Satan lives inside of us. We, as God’s people, have power in prayer to turn this hellish agenda back and make it bend its’ knee to Christ. If we will pray God will hear.