Goodness Overcoming Evil

In this episode, Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West discuss spiritual evil and the goodness of God as well as how those two aspects of the supernatural intersect with believers’ ordinary lives. Scripture is frank about the existence of spiritual forces, but how should we interact with them?

One Need at a Time

World Challenge Staff

While our partners were addressing a community’s need for water, God brought other needs to their attention too. 

In Macedonia’s capital city, Skopje, many public squares and parks are marked by beautiful sculptures of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons. Two of my favorites are purportedly Aleksandar and his father.

A Balm for Guilt and Grief

World Challenge Staff

Scripture is filled with people who fail, sin against God and lose what they love, but it also offers the opportunity of redemption to those who are burdened by their past. 

Most film adaptations of books are praised for their faithfulness to the source material, especially with an author as famous and revered as Shakespeare.